My Survey Responses

Survey Prompt Response
A priori knowledge Accept: yes
Abortion Accept: permissible
Abstract objects Lean towards: nominalism
Aesthetic experience Lean towards: sui generis
Aesthetic value Accept: subjective
Aim of philosophy Accept: understanding
Analysis of knowledge There is no fact of the matter
Analytic-synthetic distinction Accept: yes
Arguments for theism Accept: design
Belief or credence There is no fact of the matter
Capital punishment Lean towards: impermissible
Causation Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Chinese room Agnostic/undecided
Concepts Lean towards: empiricism
Consciousness Lean towards: dualism
Continuum hypothesis Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Cosmological fine-tuning Agnostic/undecided
Eating animals and animal products Accept: omnivorism (yes and yes)
Environmental ethics Lean towards: non-anthropocentric
Epistemic justification Accept: internalism
Experience machine Accept: yes
Extended mind Lean towards: no
External world Accept: skepticism
Footbridge Accept: push
Foundations of mathematics Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Free will Lean towards: libertarianism
Gender Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept social
  • Reject unreal
  • Accept biological
  • Reject psychological
Gender categories Lean towards: revise
God Agnostic/undecided
Grounds of intentionality Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Hard problem of consciousness Accept: yes
Human genetic engineering Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Hume Accept: skeptic
Immortality Accept: yes
Interlevel metaphysics Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Justification Accept: nonreliabilist foundationalism
Kant Accept: two worlds
Knowledge Accept a combination of answers:
  • Reject rationalism
  • Reject empiricism
Knowledge claims There is no fact of the matter
Law Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Laws of nature Accept: Humean
Logic Accept: classical
Material composition Skipped
Meaning of life Agnostic/undecided
Mental content Agnostic/undecided
Meta-ethics Lean towards: moral anti-realism
Metaontology Skipped
Metaphilosophy The question is too unclear to answer
Method in history of philosophy Accept: contextual/historicist
Method in political philosophy Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Mind Lean towards: non-physicalism
Mind uploading Lean towards: death
Moral judgment Lean towards: cognitivism
Moral motivation Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Moral principles Lean towards: moral generalism
Morality Lean towards: constructivism
Newcomb's problem Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Normative concepts There is no fact of the matter
Normative ethics Accept: virtue ethics
Other minds Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept adult humans
  • Accept cats
  • Accept fish
  • Neutral towards flies
  • Neutral towards worms
  • Neutral towards plants
  • Lean against particles
  • Accept newborn babies
  • Lean against current AI systems
  • Lean against future AI systems
Ought implies can Lean towards: yes
Perceptual experience Lean towards: representationalism
Personal identity There is no fact of the matter
Philosophical knowledge Accept: a little
Philosophical methods Accept a combination of answers:
  • Reject conceptual analysis
  • Neutral towards formal philosophy
  • Reject experimental philosophy
  • Accept conceptual engineering
  • Reject linguistic philosophy
  • Accept intuition-based philosophy
  • Accept empirical philosophy
Philosophical progress Lean towards: a little
Plato Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Political philosophy Agnostic/undecided
Politics Skipped
Possible worlds Lean towards: abstract
Practical reason Skipped
Principle of sufficient reason Lean towards: true
Proper names There is no fact of the matter
Properties Lean towards: immanent universals
Propositional attitudes Skipped
Propositions The question is too unclear to answer
Quantum mechanics Agnostic/undecided
Race Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept social
  • Reject unreal
  • Accept biological
Race categories Lean towards: revise
Rational disagreement Accept: non-permissivism
Response to external-world skepticism Accept: abductive
Science Lean towards: scientific realism
Semantic content There is no fact of the matter
Sleeping beauty Skipped
Spacetime Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Statue and lump There is no fact of the matter
Teletransporter Agnostic/undecided
Temporal ontology Agnostic/undecided
Theory of reference There is no fact of the matter
Time Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Time travel Lean towards: metaphysically impossible
Trolley problem Accept: switch
True contradictions Accept: impossible
Truth There is no fact of the matter
Units of selection Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Vagueness Lean towards: epistemic
Values in science Agnostic/undecided
Well-being Agnostic/undecided
Wittgenstein Lean towards: early
Zombies Accept: metaphysically possible