My Survey Responses

Survey Prompt Response
A priori knowledge Accept an alternative view: Objective idealism.
Abstract objects Accept an alternative view: This is not a proper use of the term "abstract."
Aesthetic value Accept an alternative view: Neither aesthetics nor ethics are about "value."
Aim of philosophy Accept an alternative view: Know thyself. Nothing in excess.
Analytic-synthetic distinction The question is too unclear to answer
Belief or credence The question is too unclear to answer
Capital punishment The question is too unclear to answer
Eating animals and animal products Accept an alternative view: What Thoreau says about this.
Environmental ethics Accept an alternative view: What Thoreau says about this.
Epistemic justification Accept an alternative view: Objective idealism.
Experience machine Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Extended mind The question is too unclear to answer
External world Accept an alternative view: Objective idealism.
Footbridge Lean towards: don't push
Free will Accept an alternative view: This is an antinomy of pure reason.
Gender The question is too unclear to answer
God The question is too unclear to answer
Grounds of intentionality Accept an alternative view: Against this Husserlian concept.
Knowledge Accept an alternative view: Objective idealism.
Knowledge claims Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Laws of nature The question is too unclear to answer
Logic Accept an alternative view: Hegelian.
Meaning of life The question is too unclear to answer
Mental content The question is too unclear to answer
Meta-ethics Accept an alternative view: "Meta-ethics" is not a useful term.
Metaphilosophy Accept an alternative view: "Metaphilosophy" is not a useful term and all philosophy properly so called is self-conscious.
Method in history of philosophy Accept an alternative view: All the uses of history — monumental, antiquarian, and critical — can degenerate until they become a danger to life.
Mind Accept an alternative view: The peculiarly rational character of modern physics is due to the fact that it does not take any special interest in itself (qua physical thing), hence has no need for morally ineliminable concepts.
Moral judgment The question is too unclear to answer
Moral motivation The question is too unclear to answer
Newcomb's problem Accept an alternative view: This is an antinomy of pure reason.
Normative ethics Accept an alternative view: "Normative" is not a useful term and this is a bad way to think about our duties.
Other minds The question is too unclear to answer
Perceptual experience Accept an alternative view: Objective idealism.
Personal identity Accept an alternative view: "Person" is a forensic term.
Philosophical methods Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept conceptual analysis
  • Reject intuition-based philosophy
  • Neutral towards formal philosophy
  • Reject conceptual engineering
  • Reject empirical philosophy
  • Accept linguistic philosophy
  • Reject experimental philosophy
  • Accept Argumentum ad hominem.
Philosophical progress The question is too unclear to answer
Political philosophy The question is too unclear to answer
Proper names The question is too unclear to answer
Properties Accept an alternative view: Nominalism about the category of substance.
Propositional attitudes Accept an alternative view: An attitude toward being, and beyond that, nothing. What about this nothing?
Race Accept an alternative view: The concept race lacks an empirical deduction.
Science Accept an alternative view: Modern science is peculiarly rational because it exposes its concepts to severe testing.
Teletransporter Accept an alternative view: The riddle of death is not a theoretical question, but a practical situation to be overcome.
Temporal ontology The question is too unclear to answer
Time Accept an alternative view: XYZPDQ
Trolley problem Lean towards: don't switch
Truth Accept an alternative view: The true is the whole.
Vagueness The question is too unclear to answer
Zombies Accept an alternative view: The philosophy that raises this question is a zombie philosophy.