•  286
    Not So Distinctively Mathematical Explanations
    with Clemency Montelle, Douglas I. Campbell, and Phillip Wilson
    (Longer version - work in progress) Various accounts of distinctively mathematical explanations (DMEs) of complex systems have been proposed recently which bypass the contingent causal laws and appeal primarily to mathematical necessities constraining the system. These necessities are considered to be modally exalted in that they obtain with a greater necessity than the ordinary laws of nature (Lange 2016). This paper focuses on DMEs of the number of equilibrium positions of n-tuple pendulum sys…Read more
  •  137
    Are mathematical explanations causal explanations in disguise?
    with Douglas Campbell, Clemency Montelle, and Phillip L. Wilson
    Philosophy of Science (NA): 1-19. 2024.
    There is a major debate as to whether there are non-causal mathematical explanations of physical facts that show how the facts under question arise from a degree of mathematical necessity considered stronger than that of contingent causal laws. We focus on Marc Lange’s account of distinctively mathematical explanations to argue that purported mathematical explanations are essentially causal explanations in disguise and are no different from ordinary applications of mathematics. This is because t…Read more
  •  306
    On the continuum fallacy: is temperature a continuous function?
    with Douglas Campbell, Clemency Montelle, and Phillip L. Wilson
    Foundations of Physics 53 (69): 1-29. 2023.
    It is often argued that the indispensability of continuum models comes from their empirical adequacy despite their decoupling from the microscopic details of the modelled physical system. There is thus a commonly held misconception that temperature varying across a region of space or time can always be accurately represented as a continuous function. We discuss three inter-related cases of temperature modelling — in phase transitions, thermal boundary resistance and slip flows — and show that th…Read more
  •  449
    Not so distinctively mathematical explanations: topology and dynamical systems
    with Douglas Campbell, Clemency Montelle, and Phillip L. Wilson
    Synthese 200 (3): 1-40. 2022.
    So-called ‘distinctively mathematical explanations’ (DMEs) are said to explain physical phenomena, not in terms of contingent causal laws, but rather in terms of mathematical necessities that constrain the physical system in question. Lange argues that the existence of four or more equilibrium positions of any double pendulum has a DME. Here we refute both Lange’s claim itself and a strengthened and extended version of the claim that would pertain to any n-tuple pendulum system on the ground tha…Read more
  •  493
    A Mathematical Model of Dignāga’s Hetu-cakra
    Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 37 (3): 471-479. 2020.
    A reasoned argument or tarka is essential for a wholesome vāda that aims at establishing the truth. A strong tarka constitutes of a number of elements including an anumāna based on a valid hetu. Several scholars, such as Dharmakīrti, Vasubandhu and Dignāga, have worked on theories for the establishment of a valid hetu to distinguish it from an invalid one. This paper aims to interpret Dignāga’s hetu-cakra, called the wheel of grounds, from a modern philosophical perspective by deconstructing it …Read more