• The aim of the present paper is to offer a critical examination of the episte- mological foundations of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). Taking the tension between the basic presupposition between REBT and the ABC cognitive model constituting its core as its cue, the paper focuses on the causal relation between cognition and emotion and tries to argue that, at closer inspection, neither the theoretical, nor the experimental reasons ad- duced in favor of the idea of a determining role of…Read more
  • Of Questions. For Didactic Use
    Neue Didaktik 4 (2): 100-109. 2010.
    The present paper is aimed at the teachers (to be) of human sciences (especially economics) and offers an in-depth commentary and interpretation of Hans- Georg Gadamer’s view of the concept of question and the activity of questioning. The goal of the paper is to circumscribe the conditions of interrogation thus offering the teachers (to be) a means of enhancing the didactic efficiency of the learning sequences based on questioning.
  • Volumul de fata ofera o interpretare critica, problematizanta a descrierii fenomenului comprehensiunii oferita de filosoful german Hans-Georg Gadamer si, prin aceasta, o introducere in Adevar si metoda si in gandirea sa ca atare. In acest sens, el se deschide cu reluarea in maniera sintetica a descrierii gadameriene (Cap. 1) urmand indeaproape cei trei pasi mari pe Gadamer pe care ii face in aprofundarea fenomenului, iar apoi purcede la testarea presupozitiilor fundamentale a acestei descrieri (…Read more
  •  158
    The shortcomings of the methodical approach in teaching philosophy and the human sciences
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 13 (1): 241-259. 2021.
    Romanian pedagogical theory rests on the assumption that any educational content can be taught and learned faster and better by recourse to a battery of teaching methods. In the present study we question that assumption and show that the methods generally recommended have no didactic merits when it comes to teaching philosophy and the human sciences. In order to prove that we commence by rendering manifest the origins, the specificity and the presuppositions of the teaching methods described in …Read more
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    The Being of History, the Play of Différance and the Problem of Misunderstanding
    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Philosophia 58 (3): 179-190. 2013.
    Beginning with the second decade of the last century, after a fierce critique of W. Dilthey and the Historical School’s epistemological approach, philosophical hermeneutics has assumed the position of “official” philosophy of history of our times. However, in our previous work we have shown that philosophical hermeneutics is not actually able to give a better answer to “What is history?” than that already offered by the Historical School. Now we would like to show that its answer to the other fu…Read more
  • The object of the present study is the relationship between the idea that „the sun rises” and the fundamental thesis of Copernicus’ view upon the universe. Arguing that this relationship is logically a contradiction, the present study endeavours to give the reasons why, from the point of view of Alfred Schutz’s inquiry into the life-world, it is not usually perceived as such
  •  29
    Jacques Derrida, Credință și cunoaștere. Veacul și iertarea/Faith and Knowledge. Century and Forgiveness (review)
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10): 232-235. 2005.
    This is a review of the Romanian translation of Jacques Derrida's Belief and Knowledge.
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    Mark Tansey – Derrida Queries de Man. Application to Derrida's Questioning of Hermeneutics
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13): 139-146. 2006.
    This paper endeavours to point towards the direction of an answer to the problem whether or not philosophical hermeneutics is post-metaphysical. Starting from Derrida’s critique of hermeneutics, the author argues that this problem reduces itself to the question: “is hermeneutics a violent form of thought?” Through a reinterpretation of Gadamer’s concept of “living language of dialogue” starting from the point of view upon the history of the concept of language offered by Truth and Method and on …Read more
  •  51
    Toward a New Middle Ages? On Aurel Codoban’s The Empire of Communication (review)
    Journal for Communication and Culture 1 (2): 162-166. 2011.
    Codoban, Aurel. Imperiul comunicării: corp, imagine şi relaţionare (The Empire of Communication: Body, Image and Relation). Cluj-Napoca: Idea, 2011
  •  18
    For A Post-Historicist Philosophy Of History. Beyond Hermeneutics
    Logos and Episteme 2 (4): 489-505. 2011.
    With the publication of Being and Time and Truth and Method philosophical hermeneutics seems to have become the official philosophy of history, with exclusive rights on the questions arising from the fact-of-having-a-past. From now on the epistemological approach of the German historical school, reaching a peak in Dilthey’s thought, is unanimously recognized as definitively overcome, aufheben, by the ontological interrogation of hermeneutics. But, with the same unanimity, it is also recognized t…Read more
  •  641
    On solitude and loneliness in hermeneutical philosophy
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 5 (1): 130-149. 2013.
    Although it might seem to elicit only a marginal interest for philosophical inquiry, in 20th century continental philosophy the experience of solitude and loneliness were shown to have unexpected importance and gravity. For philosophers such as M. Heidegger, H. Arendt, H.-G. Gadamer or P. Sloterdijk, solitude and loneliness are to be seen, on the one hand, as an ontological determination of our Being and, on the other, as a cause for some of the most worrisome problems of our times such, as the …Read more
  •  87
    The Relevance of Wittgenstein’s Thought for Philosophical Hermeneutics
    Journal for Communication and Culture 1 (1): 44-54. 2011.
    The present paper aims to bring to light the relevance of Wittgenstein‘s thought for philosophical hermeneutics. In this sense it offers a thorough discussion of the Austrian philosopher‘s understanding of the concept of translation through a detailed examination of its development from its first formulation in the context of the picture theory of meaning in the Tractatus to its reformulation as "language game" and "form of life" within the use theory put forth in Philosophical Investigations. T…Read more
  •  220
    The present paper endeavors to trace the sketch of a possible epistemology of the human sciences. In this sense it begins with the determination of the object ofknowledge in the human sciences through a careful examination of the reality of history and of the human world. Then, considering the peculiarity of the domain of the human sciences the paper proceeds to show that their object of knowledge is best understood as “event” in the sense of Gilles Deleuze and Alain Badiou. And, in the end, it …Read more
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    The present paper deals with the philosophical styles of the hermeneutic project and deconstruction and tries to answer the question whether there really is, as Derrida argues, a fundamental difference, even an opposition between them. In this sense, taking the questions Derrida addressed Gadamer in their famous Paris encounter in 1981 as a clue, the author retraces the fundamental articulations of deconstruction, descending from Derrida's own description of the idea to his actual deconstructive…Read more
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    This book retraces the development of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics in relation with Martin Heidegger’s early ontological hermeneutics as well as his later thought and subjects it to a critical examination from the point of view of Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction.
  • În marginea lui Schopenhauer. Note asupra unor apariții recente
    Studia Philosophica 48 (1-2): 218-223. 2003.
    Cultura română, încă de la începuturile ei, a fost puternic legată de gândirea lui Schopenhauer, aceasta fiind o temă constantă de studiu începând odată cu Junimea şi până la mijlocul anilor ’40. Cu toate acestea, de o bibliografie asupra subiectului nu ne-am bucurat decât odată cu a doua jumătate a anilor ’90 când a fost tradusă pentru prima oară Lumea ca voinţă şi reprezentare şi totodată când au fost traduse şi reeditate şi o serie de lucrări cu caracter critic sau monografic.