I am a philosopher, clinical psychologist, and psychotherapist in advanced training. I received my PhD in Philosophy from a joint program of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Humboldt University) and the University of Magdeburg. My main areas of interest are philosophy of mind and philosophy of science, which have led me to publish primarily at one intersection of these two areas: Philosophy of Psychiatry. Beyond this, I have expanding interests in the philosophy of sports and philosophy of religion.
Adrian Kind
Charité – Berlin University of Medicine
Charité – Berlin University of MedicinePost-doctoral Fellow (Part-time)
Humboldt University Berlin & Otto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Alumnus, 2024
Berlin, BE, Germany
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Psychiatry |
Philosophy of Mind |
Philosophy of Science, General Works |
Philosophy of Sport |
Areas of Interest
Philosophy of Medicine |
Metaphysics |
Epistemology |
Medical Ethics |
Philosophy of Religion |
PhilPapers Editorships
Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis |