University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 2004
Claremont, California, United States of America
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    © 2016 American Chemical Society.High quality WSe2 films have been grown on bilayer graphene with layer-by-layer control of thickness using molecular beam epitaxy. The combination of angle-resolved photoemission, scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, and optical absorption measurements reveal the atomic and electronic structures evolution and optical response of WSe2/BLG. We observe that a bilayer of WSe2 is a direct bandgap semiconductor, when integrated in a BLG-based heterostructure, th…Read more
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    © 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. The AAA+ ATPase Vps4 disassembles ESCRT-III and is essential for HIV-1 budding and other pathways. Vps4 is a paradigmatic member of a class of hexameric AAA+ ATPases that disassemble protein complexes without degradation. To distinguish between local displacement versus global unfolding mechanisms for complex disassembly, we carried out hydrogen/deuterium exchange during Saccharomyces cerevisiae Vps4 disassembly of a chimeric Vps24-2 ESCRT-III fil…Read more
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    Del" Más allá" al" Más acá": escatología, ecología y evangelización en JL Ruiz de la Peña
    Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 32 (66): 277-438. 2008.
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    Coping: A Philosophical Guide (review)
    Philosophical Quarterly 73 (3): 866-869. 2022.
    Luc Bovens presents his book, Coping: A Philosophical Guide, as a teaching text, aimed at generating classroom discussion. Several features of the book suit it
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    Appreciation and gratitude get good press: They are central virtues in many religious and secular ethical frameworks, core in positive psychology research, and they come highly recommended by the self‐improvement set. Generally, appreciation and gratitude feature as good things, in popular consciousness. Of course, on an Aristotelian model, the belief that these are virtues implies they are something people can get right or wrong. This paper examines bad appreciation and bad gratitude, character…Read more
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    The Expressive Meaning of Enhancement
    with J. Peerzada
    American Journal of Bioethics 5 (3): 25-27. 2005.
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    Personal Bonds: Directed Obligations without Rights
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (1): 65-86. 2021.
    I argue for adopting a conception of obligation that is broader than the conception commonly adopted by moral philosophers. According to this broader conception, the crucial marks of an obligatory action are, first, that the reasons for the obliged party to perform the action include an exclusionary reason and, second, that the obliged party is the appropriate target of blaming reactive attitudes, if they inexcusably fail to perform the obligatory action. An obligation is directed if the exclusi…Read more
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    Doing Valuable Time is the kind of book—rarer in philosophy, I think, than one might wish—that invites personal reflection. Boredom, contentment, hope, intention, and decisions about how to spend time (or the lack of freedom to make such decisions) are such familiar pieces of our everyday lives that they can glide by almost without notice. Calhoun’s work equips the reader to contemplate these phenomena as significant consequences and constituents of human nature.
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    Tales Publicly Allowed: Competence, Capacity, and Religious Belief
    Hastings Center Report 37 (1): 33-40. 2007.
    What should we make of someone whose beliefs prevent her from accurately understanding her medical needs and care? Should that person still make her own health care decisions? In fact, she probably lacks decision‐making capacity. But that does not mean she is not competent.
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    Factory Farming and Consumer Complicity
    In Andrew Chignell, Terence Cuneo & Matthew C. Halteman (eds.), Philosophy Comes to Dinner: Arguments on the Ethics of Eating, Routledge. pp. 203-14. 2016.
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    The Routledge Handbook of Love in Philosophy (edited book)
    Routledge Handbooks in Philoso. 2018.
    The Routledge Handbook of Love in Philosophycollects 39 original chapters from prominent philosophers on the nature, meaning, value, and predicaments of love, presented in a unique framework that highlights the rich variety of methods and traditions used to engage with these subjects. This volume is structured around important realms of human life and activity, each of which receives its own section: I. Family and Friendship II. Romance and Sex III. Politics and Society IV. Animals, Nature, and …Read more
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    How to Betray Your Android
    The Philosophers' Magazine 76 35-41. 2017.
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    In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), How We Hope: A Moral Psychology, Princeton University Press. pp. 147-150. 2013.
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    4. Faith and Sustenance without Contingency
    In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), How We Hope: A Moral Psychology, Princeton University Press. pp. 98-117. 2013.
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    Introduction. What is Hope?
    In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), How We Hope: A Moral Psychology, Princeton University Press. pp. 1-10. 2013.
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    1. Beyond the Orthodox Definition of Hope
    In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), How We Hope: A Moral Psychology, Princeton University Press. pp. 11-34. 2013.
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    2. Incorporation
    In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), How We Hope: A Moral Psychology, Princeton University Press. pp. 35-71. 2013.
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    In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), How We Hope: A Moral Psychology, Princeton University Press. 2013.
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    5. Normative Hope
    In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), How We Hope: A Moral Psychology, Princeton University Press. pp. 118-140. 2013.
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    3. Suicide and Sustenance
    In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), How We Hope: A Moral Psychology, Princeton University Press. pp. 72-97. 2013.
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    Conclusion. Human Passivity, Agency, and Hope
    In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), How We Hope: A Moral Psychology, Princeton University Press. pp. 141-146. 2013.
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    How We Hope: A Moral Psychology
    Princeton University Press. 2013.
    What exactly is hope and how does it influence our decisions? In How We Hope, Adrienne Martin presents a novel account of hope, the motivational resources it presupposes, and its function in our practical lives. She contends that hoping for an outcome means treating certain feelings, plans, and imaginings as justified, and that hope thereby involves sophisticated reflective and conceptual capacities. Martin develops this original perspective on hope--what she calls the "incorporation analysis"--…Read more
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    The extent of the approval with which Western culture views the attitude of hope can scarcely be exaggerated. Hope is seen as that which sustains us through wartime, death camps, slavery, natural disaster, extreme disease and disability—it is a light, a beacon, the last spark that fuels us when all else has failed. Hope is also seen as a moral and spiritual virtue—hoping for moral progress in this world, and salvation in the next, is at the heart of a meaningful human life. A positive view of ho…Read more
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    The standard foil for recent theories of hope is the belief-desire analysis advocated by Hobbes, Day, Downie, and others. According to this analysis, to hope for S is no more and no less than to desire S while believing S is possible but not certain. Opponents of the belief-desire analysis argue that it fails to capture one or another distinctive feature or function of hope: that hope helps one resist the temptation to despair;2 that hope engages the sophisticated capacities of human agency, suc…Read more
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    Refusing to pursue recent and possible future developments in medical research is itself a morally momentous decision—and that inaction has consequences Cohen and other right-wing thinkers refuse to acknowledge.
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    Review of Barbara Herman, Moral Literacy (review)
    Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (9). 2007.
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    Many people believe hope’s most important function is to bolster us in despairinducing circumstances. A related but less dramatic view is that instilling or reinforcing hope for a state of affairs is a good way to get people to act to promote that state of affairs. I propose that we conceive of hope as, most paradigmatically, the expression of desire in imagination. I then trace through the implications of this conception for, first, how hope influences motivation and, second, what forms of hope…Read more