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    Exploring the Ethics of Long-Term Research Engagement With Communities in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
    with C. B. Krubiner, G. Bloom, and A. Bhuiya
    Public Health Ethics 5 (3): 252-262. 2012.
    Over the past few decades, there has been increasing attention focused on the ethics of health research, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Despite the increasing focus on the literature addressing human protection, community engagement, appropriate consent procedures and ways to mitigate concerns around exploitation, there has been little discussion about how the duration of the research engagement may affect the ethical design and implementation of studies. In other words, what …Read more
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    Background: Increasing collaboration between industrialised and developing countries in human research studies has led to concerns regarding the potential exploitation of resource deprived countries. This study, commissioned by the former National Bioethics Advisory Commission of the United States, surveyed developing country researchers about their concerns and opinions regarding ethical review processes and the performance of developing country and US international review boards .Methods: Cont…Read more