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    Does Price Personalization Ethically Outperform Unitary Pricing? A Thought Experiment and a Simulation Study
    with Deni Mazrekaj, Mark D. Verhagen, and Daniel Muzio
    Journal of Business Ethics 1-21. forthcoming.
    Merchants often use personalized pricing: they charge different consumers different prices for the same product. We assess the ethicality of personalized pricing by generalizing and extending an earlier model by Coker and Izaret (Journal of Business Ethics 173:387–398, 2021) who found that price personalization ethically outperforms unitary pricing. Using a simulation analysis, we show that these results crucially depend on the choice of parameters and do not hold universally. We further incorpo…Read more
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    On Relation Between Linear Temporal Logic and Quantum Finite Automata
    with Amandeep Singh Bhatia
    Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (2): 109-120. 2020.
    Linear temporal logic is a widely used method for verification of model checking and expressing the system specifications. The relationship between theory of automata and logic had a great influence in the computer science. Investigation of the relationship between quantum finite automata and linear temporal logic is a natural goal. In this paper, we present a construction of quantum finite automata on finite words from linear-time temporal logic formulas. Further, the relation between quantum f…Read more