•  346
    Summary: In this paper, I will try to present the idea of economic triadology as it appears in St. Irenaeus, Tertullian and St. Hippolytus, during conflicts with the modalists of their time. Through comparative analysis, I will strive to highlight the particularities of their learning as well as common motives and argumentation. I will also point out the major shortcomings of the triadology thus established, as well as the elements that the Church will recognize as an authentic expression of her…Read more
  •  208
    Тема овог чланка је клерикализам као феномен унутрашњег процеса секуларизације у самој Цркви. Унутрашња секуларизација се првенствено огледа у подвајању између клира и верног народа са једне стране, и подвајања међу самим јерархијским службама. Антиклерикализам се, поред свог класичног значења, јавља и унутар Цркве, као реакција на процес унутрашње секуларизације. Овим феноменима је потребно посветити дужну пажњу, пошто они директно утичу на црквени живот у свим његовим аспектима.
  •  186
    У овом раду ћемо анализирати неке темељне тријадолошке појмове богословља Кападокијских Отаца, и покушати да докажемо да из њиховог учења произилази специфична релациона онтологија. Показаћемо да ипостас не може да буде редукована на партикуларну природу са својствима, пошто су ипостасна својства Свете Тројице сводива једино на стварност односа. Јединствена ипостасна својства, која се означавају као нерођеност, рођеност и исхођење, представљају начин постојања (τρὁπος ἠπαρξεως) конкретних Личнос…Read more
  •  278
    U ovom tekstu ćemo istražiti na koji način i na kojoj osnovi je ideja napredovanja doživela svoju transformaciju u neoplatonizmu i hrišćanskoj teologiji. Pokazaćemo da se elementi ove ideje javljaju kod Plotina i pojedinih patrističkih autora, ali da je konačno uobličenje i razradu doživela prvenstveno u delu svetog Grigorija Niskog, koji je priznat kao najzaslužniji za njeno postuliranje.
  •  233
    Richard of St. Victor: Person and existence
    Sabornost 1 (14): 95-114. 2020.
    Richard of St. Victor is an important figure in the history of scholasticism. In this paper, we will analyze his idea of the person, which he developed for the needs of Triadology. The peculiarity of Richard's point of view is reflected in the attempt to establish the relationship as a key ontological definition of the person. In his thinking, Richard relies on his predecessors, primarily Tertullian, Augustine and to some extent Anselm. Despite the limitations arising from such a background, Ric…Read more
  •  521
    In this paper, our intention is to present the main aspects of the understanding of the logos in Philo of Alexandria. Philo’s reception of this notion is especially important because his insights significantly influenced the development of patristic philosophy, and these influences, through the mediation of scholasticism, reached the modern age. Philo has a very important role in creating the Judeo-Christian heritage, and represents an important link for understanding the formation of the basic …Read more
  •  277
    У античкој философској традицији, време је поимано као кинетичка просторност. Св. Августин задржава овакво поимање времена али га такође одређује и као памћење и очекивање, који означују сопство као место пресека вечног и пролазног, које он дефинише као временски простор. Св. Максим Исповедник, ослањајући се на Кападокијске Оце, даје одлучујући допринос конституисању нарочитог хришћанског схватања времена и просторности, сагледавајући га у контексту есхатолошке персоналности. Творевина треба да …Read more
  •  198
    In contemporary research, the prevailing view is that the Therapeuts, of which Philo of Alexandria writes in Vita Contemplativa, were a Jewish group or sect. There is also an opinion that Therapeuts are the product of Philo’s utopian fantasy. In both cases, the report of Eusebius of Caesarea in the Church history is dismissed as unfounded. In this paper, we will outline the reasons why we believe that Eusebius’s view cannot be rejected as unfounded, and that it is more convincing than alternativ…Read more
  •  194
    Although Archimandrite Jovan Rajić's Catechism is not an original contribution to Serbian theology, the historical context of its origin makes it extremely significant. The theological analysis of the Catechism must therefore take into account the specific circumstances of its origin. Rajić's Catechism is significantly influenced by Latin theological heritage, which can be seen both in the layout of the material and in its content. However, at a given historical moment, by writing and publishing…Read more
  •  2
    Zbornik tekstova različitih autora o odnosu pravoslavlja prema ekumenizmu i ekumenskom pokretu.
  •  5114
    Ovaj leksikon je namenjen savremenom čoveku. Praktičan je i zanimljiv te može koristiti učenicima, studentima i svima koji žele da obogate svoja stručna i opšta znanja.
  •  368
    Larche equals person and individual, and there comes his misunderstanding of Zizioulas. He does not understand that person is a word for relation,and that way staying among the borders of classic scholastic thought. In the other hand, he understands the nature to be a realistic different entity in whichpersons participate. Because, the Fathers that Larche mentions in many places are directly opposite to Larches thought, he is forced to stretch his interpreta-tion, and is forced to come up with co…Read more
  •  407
    The teaching of deification has long been emphasized as a peculiarity of Eastern Orthodox theology, which is unmatched by Latin fathers. Protestanttheologians reduced this teaching to the influence of paganism and explained it asone of the indicators of the unhealthy Hellenization of Gospel science. Accordingto the general agreement of contemporary scholars, St. Augustine not only speaksof deification but deification occupies a significant place in his theological system.We will try to analyze t…Read more
  •  507
    The term prohairesis has a long history; its usage is crucial for the development and understanding of basic ethical and anthropological assumptions in ancient Hellenic philosophy. In this article the author analyses the most important moments for the semantic transformation of this term, with particular reference to the implications of its usage in Byzantine theological and philosophical heritage, with the ultimate expression in work of St Maximus the Confessor and his christological synthesis.…Read more
  •  295
    Небески Јерусалим и секуларно царство
    Hriscanski kulturni centar dr Radovan Bigovic. 2018.
    Студије које се налазе у овој књизи су плод вишегодишњих истраживања и промишљања проблема положаја Цркве у савременом секуларном и постсекуларном све¬ту. У радовима који су овде представљени, истражени су различити аспекти ове проблематике, почевши од темељних пита¬ња која се тичу одређења секуларног друштва и религије, нарочито кроз анализу феномена религијских матрица. Посебна пажља је посвећена проблемима односа Цркве према рату и насиљу, и искушењима и могућностима ширења поруке вере у савр…Read more
  •  461
    Die Aufgabe der christlichen Theologie ist es, der Dolmetscher des Evangeliums in jeder Generation zu sein. Evangelium bedeutet hier nicht nur Schrift, sondern vor allem eucharistische Überlieferung als lebendige Erfahrung des Reiches Gottes, welches kommenwird. Die Geschichte sorgte dafür, dass auch der Begriff der Theologie mehrere Bedeutungen bekommt – Wort über Gott, Gespräch mit Gott, theoretische Disziplin unterstützt durch Praxis, Pra-xis unterstützt durch Theorie. Es ist ein wenig seltsa…Read more
  •  241
    It was already Hannah Arendt, who, referring to Kant, emphasized the difference betweentruth and meaning, between practical common sense and opinions. It is interesting that the common sense approach is still completely dominant today, even among theologians, who are so often accused of irrationality – or perhaps just because of it. Theology seems to feel compelled to appeal to common sense, to show the modern world, that it is useful, or at least that it is not harmful. Our discussion in this e…Read more
  •  360
    Τρόπος ὑπάρξεως bei den Kappadokischen Vätern und bei St. Maximus Confessor In dieser Arbeit werden wir versuchen, zu erörtern, was der Begriff τρόπος ὑπάρξεως bei den Kappadokischen Vätern im Kontext ihrer Triadologie bedeutet. Unserer Meinung zufolge ist die Reduktion der Bedeutung des Begriffs τρόπος ὑπάρξεως auf individuelles Wesen mit Charakteristika kein entsprechendes Abbild der Absicht der Väter. Ganz im Gegensatz, der Begriff τρόπος ὑπάρξεως dient bei ihnen als Unterstützung für die Kon…Read more
  •  377
    St. Maximus the Confessor claims that the logos of created beings represents their essence as an icon. This claim gives us the opportunity to understand the term essence as an dynamic reality and not as a static given. Essence is not something that the being is, but what it is supposed to be. The idea of icon is herein present as ultimately ontological. The icon is no mirror of reality, but rather its eschatological realization. That which will be uncovers the truth of the being. This way, St. …Read more
  •  401
    As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean that he was not acquainted with his key soteriological hypotheses, especially his teachings on apocatastasis. Although Augustine’s doctrine of predestination has completely opposite consequences in comparison to Origen’s teaching about apocatastasis, we believe that these teachings share the common ontological basis, which is the subject of this study. While Origen’s Christology is often called int…Read more
  •  832
    The theological teachings of John Philoponus are important for several reasons: a) to see the real achievements and influences of Aristotelian logic in regard to theology, b) to see the real consequences of not accepting hypostasis as relational and ontologically based and c) to assess the real consequences of such teachings for Triadology and Christology.