Alessandro Colleoni

Fondazione Collegio San Carlo (Modena)
  • Fondazione Collegio San Carlo (Modena)
    Doctoral student
Areas of Specialization
Paul Ricoeur
Areas of Interest
Paul Ricoeur
  •  1
    Creatività immaginativa e radicamento riproduttivo in Paul Ricoeur
    Acme - Annali Della Facoltà di Studi Umanistici Dell'università Degli Studi di Milano 2 (71): 215-226. 2018.
    Le analisi che Paul Ricoeur ha dedicato alla tematica dell’immaginazione propongono una netta distinzione tra la sua dimensione produttiva e quella riproduttiva, di esplicita derivazione kantiana. Tale divaricazione sembra portare in alcuni testi all’identificazione della prima con il solo ambito linguistico e della seconda con ogni situazione che implichi un legame tra immaginazione e materiale percettivo, il che significherebbe abbandonare la prospettiva fenomenologica a favore di una visione …Read more
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    Psychanalyse non réductionniste et phénoménologie herméneutique : la naissance d’un binôme paradigmatique de la pensée de Paul Ricoeur
    In Azadeh Thiriez-Arjangi, Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Michael Funk Deckard & Andrés Bruzzone (eds.), Le mal et la symbolique: Ricœur lecteur de Freud, De Gruyter. pp. 323-338. 2022.
    The confrontation with the human and social sciences is one of the main characteristics of Paul Ricoeur’s philosophical thought. It represents an important resource for the Cogito that has experienced suspicion and must therefore face the need to understand itself through scientific explanation. However, Ricoeurian thinking also rejects any reductionism, considering that it is essential to maintain a dimension of meaning independent of explanation. If this dimension is denied, the sciences thems…Read more
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    L’idée de « voir comme » de la poésie à la traduction un parcours ricœurien
    Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147 (3): 359-376. 2022.
    Le concept wittgensteinien de « voir comme » joue un rôle important dans plusieurs analyses de Paul Ricœur consacrées à la littérature et à la dimension sociale de l’action humaine. Un parcours à travers ces analyses met en évidence à la fois continuités et ruptures entre les différents usages de ce concept proposés par Ricœur. On montre alors la fécondité du concept en l’appliquant à un autre contexte, celui de la traduction. Les courts articles rassemblés sous le titre Sur la traduction (2004)…Read more
  •  4
    The debate on human rights is one of the themes that Ricoeur discusses, in Oneself as Another, while examining the practical wisdom and the dialectic that characterizes it between “the requirement of universality” and “the recognition of contextual limitations”. This shows, above all, his awareness both of the difficulty and the importance of justifying the protection of fundamental freedoms and capacities, in particular considering the accusations of eurocentrism that this struggle has received…Read more