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    Introducción de los editores
    Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 17 (32): 1-11. 2023.
    Debido al actual auge de la medicina y de la investigación biomédica y farmacéutica, la filosofía de la medicina se ha posicionado rápidamente entre las ramas filosóficas más relevantes e influyentes del mundo. La innovación en tratamientos y técnicas que se han desarrollado han abierto nuevas cuestiones teóricas y éticas. Mientras que los primeros comprenden cuestiones relacionadas con la metafísica y la epistemología de las ciencias de la salud, los segundos atañen a la ética médica. Aunque in…Read more
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    Silence as a Cognitive Tool to Comprehend the Environment
    Foundations of Science 1-27. forthcoming.
    This article presents silence as a cognitive tool to comprehend the environment. Two dimensions of silence are addressed: a natural mechanism and human beings' social and cultural construction. There is a link between these two dimensions because, on the one hand, agents' cognitive strategies based on silence influence how meanings and uses of silence have been constructed. The meanings of silence we use are contextual shapers of silence-based cognitive strategies. Silence is analyzed as a resou…Read more
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    Más allá de los datos: la transformación digital del museo tradicional
    Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 90 81-94. 2023.
    This work focuses on the virtual museum, understood as the digital transformation of the traditional museum. First, the main conceptualizations of the virtual museum in the specialized literature are reviewed, and based on them, we propose a basic definition. Furthermore, we argue in favor of the insufficiency of the dataist perspective in the study of epistemic injustice associated with the virtual museum. Finally, the exclusion related to the participation and interaction between a museum’s vi…Read more
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    Design has usually been linked to art and applied in scenarios related to everyday life. Even when design has, on occasion, made its way into the world of academia, it has always been closely linked to art and scenarios related everyday life. At last, however, the idea of design has reached the field of epistemology: an area within the very heart of philosophy that has always focused, in theory, on the foundations of knowledge. Consequently, design is being studied from different approaches inte…Read more
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    Annals of III Congrés Català de Filosofia
    Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 56 157. 2016.
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    Neglected Pragmatism: Discussing Abduction to Dissolute Classical Dichotomies
    Foundations of Science 27 (3): 1107-1125. 2022.
    Many parts of the contemporary philosophical debate have been built on the radicalization of conclusions derived from the acceptance of a certain set of classical dichotomies. It also discusses how pragmatism and abduction are currently presented to solve the problems arising from these dichotomies. For this reason, the efforts of this article have been directed to analyze the impact of this fact on the philosophy of science and logic. The starting point is that accepting abduction implies, in m…Read more
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    What role does language play in the process of building worldviews? To address this question, in the first section of this paper we will clarify what we mean by worldviews and how they differ, in our perspective, from cosmovisions. In a nutshell, we define worldviews as the biological interpretations agents create of the world around them and cosmovision the more general cultural-based reflections on it. After presenting our definition for worldview, we will also present the multi-shaped viewpoi…Read more
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    Łukasiewicz, Jan. Sobre el principio de contradicción en Aristóteles (review)
    Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 56 152-155. 2016.
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    El lado epistemológico de las abducciones: La creatividad en las verdades-proyectadas
    Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentación 1 (15): 77-91. 2017.
    In this article I try to show that the epistemological component of abductions is creativity and, to do so, I will use an analysis of Thagard's concept of projected-truth as well as reflections on Łukasiewicz's creativity. In the third part I present a real case, using Thagard's theory and introducing Hanson, to make the transition from logical and computational discourse to philosophy of science. At the end I will address one of the current challenges in order to explain creativity namely the n…Read more