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    Effect of Reciting the Name of God on the Pain and Anxiety Experienced by Burn Patients during Dressing
    with Morteza Nasiri, Hanieh Bahdori, Akram Heydari, and Meysam Hosseini Amiri
    Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics 7 (3): 3-8. 2020.
    Background and Objectives: The pain and anxiety experienced by burn patients during dressing change cannot be thoroughly controlled by painkillers and anxiolytics. Evidence has documented that reciting the name of God can positively impact the reduction of pain and anxiety caused by aggressive procedures. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of reciting the name of God on the pain and anxiety caused by dressing change in patients with burn injuries. Methods: The present c…Read more
  • The presentation of a comprehensive report of all available criticisms and their evaluation will be greatly revealing concerning logicians' methodology and epistemology. Their deliberations and insights concerning the issue of relation and criticizing the inferential principles that are based on this concept, as well as the evaluation of the efficiency of the issue, have appeared in different forms. Conceptual criticisms lead to new conceptualizations, and the posing of contradictory examples fo…Read more
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    From among the collection of scattered commentaries on hadiths to Mulla Sadra, the one written on "Kunta kanzan makhfiyyan..." is quite noteworthy. This commentary has most probably been written by Mulla Sadra himself. In this work, he refers to one of the objections advanced against this sacred hadith by some scholars. He also claims that before him, no one has ever given a convincing answer to this objection, and then proceeds to explain the problem and introduces his own four-fold responses, …Read more