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    Ionic gradients are found across a variety of tissues and organs. In this report, we apply the phasor representation of.uorescence lifetime imaging data to the quantitative study of ionic concentrations in tissues, overcoming technical problems of tissue thickness, concentration artifacts of ion-sensitive dyes, and calibration across inhomogeneous tissue. We used epidermis as a model system, as Ca2+ gradients in this organ have been shown previously to control essential biologic processes of dif…Read more
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    Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy
    with E. Gratton, N. P. Barry, and S. Beretta
    Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy has now become a relatively common tool among biophysicists and biologists. The intrinsic sectioning achievable by multiphoton excitation provides a simple means to excite a small volume inside cells and tissues. Multiphoton microscopes have a simplified optical path in the emission side due to the lack of an emission pinhole, which is necessary with normal confocal microscopes. This article illustrates examples in which this advantage in the simplified optics…Read more