Allison Fritz

Chadron State College
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    The Virtue of Shallow Environmentalism in advance
    Essays in Philosophy. forthcoming.
    Pro-environmental behaviors symbolic of the three R’s—reduce, reuse, recycle—are focused on individual consumption and use patterns. These traditional environmentalist behaviors—what I shall call “shallow environmentalism”—are vulnerable to the problem of inconsequentialism, in that a single individual engaging in them does little to combat or mitigate climate change. Indeed, some argue that continued occupation with shallow environmental behaviors such as recycling and reducing travel gets in t…Read more
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    Perceived responsibility in AI-supported medicine
    with S. Krügel, J. Ammeling, M. Aubreville, A. Kießig, and Matthias Uhl
    AI and Society 1-11. forthcoming.
    In a representative vignette study in Germany with 1,653 respondents, we investigated laypeople’s attribution of moral responsibility in collaborative medical diagnosis. Specifically, we compare people’s judgments in a setting in which physicians are supported by an AI-based recommender system to a setting in which they are supported by a human colleague. It turns out that people tend to attribute moral responsibility to the artificial agent, although this is traditionally considered a category …Read more