2On Gadamer, Phenomenology and Historical RelativismIn Michel Weber Pierfrancesco Basile (ed.), Subjectivity, Process, and Rationality, Ontos Verlag. pp. 311-334. 2006.
13This book explores the phenomenon of the Third Reich from a philosophical perspective. It concentrates on the ways in which the subjects and experiences of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism are conceived by eight German thinkers from the Continental tradition. These eight intellectuals include Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Karl Löwith, Carl Schmitt, Ernst Jünger, Jean Améry, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Jan Assmann. Based on careful philosophical examinations of both known and unknown …Read more
7Political readings of Descartes in Continental thoughtBloomsbury Academic. 2019.Home and exile -- Progress: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Georges Sorel and Martin Heidegger -- Franz Baader: Cogitor Ergo Sum -- Edmund Husserl: the crisis of the European man -- Martin Heidegger: Homo Est Brutum Bestiale -- Franz Borkenau: Cartesianism and the exploitation of man and nature -- Franz Böhm: German philosophy at war with Cartesianism.
Pričujoči sestavek skuša ovrednotiti Gadamerjevo knjigo o Celanu glede njenega prispevka k fenomenologiji. Gadamer se zateče k poeziji kot fenomenološkemu orodju zaradi uvida, da fenomenologija ne more biti metoda in da lahko fenomen, bit, dosežemo le prek nenadnega prebliska, z »gnomično prezenco«. Pesnik s »pretresom« trdno uveljavljene kulturne ideje in pogleda na realnost omogoča uvid, da je »normativnost« samo ena omejena perspektiva realnosti in da so drugi vidiki potlačeni. Resnica, ki na…Read more
474The Absolute and the Failure to Think of the Ontological Difference Heidegger's Critique of HegelStudia Phaenomenologica 8 453-472. 2008.The aim of this paper is to examine Heidegger’s critique of Hegel and to determine whether it is justified. Heidegger claims that Hegel tries to reduce everything to a single absolute entity, to the absolute knowing subject. The result is the identification of being and nothing, as Hegel formulates it at the beginning of his Logic. Hegel identifies being with nothing because being has no references, no predicates, no properties. Heidegger agrees with Hegel that being and nothing are the same, bu…Read more
9Hannah Arendt’s Jewish WritingsJournal for Peace and Justice Studies 25 (2): 104-126. 2015.The purpose of this article is, firstly, to expose the basic assumption in Hannah Arendt’s The Jewish Writings, and, secondly, to discuss her critique of Jewish life and the Zionist entity—later the Jewish state—in Palestine. As I will suggest, her basic assumption is that politics can exist only as a dynamic process, as an interplay between different players with different worldviews and interests. Thus, politics cannot be reduced to a state of inertia, what Arendt calls “inalterable substance.…Read more
10The Logic of Question and Answer and the Limits of Phenomenological Reduction: Collingwood, Heidegger, and GadamerJournal of the British Society for Phenomenology 38 (3): 318-328. 2007.
33Leaving the “Real Hume” in Peace and Reading the Dialogues from a Moral PerspectiveIndo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 8 (2): 1-12. 2008.This paper offers a new reading of Hume’s much discussed Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779/2000) which shows that, in contrast to what commentators tend to ascribe to Hume, the crux of the text is not epistemological-ontological – that is, not the arguments in favour of and against God’s existence – but moral. It is shown that, although most of the epistemologicalontological pro-and-contra arguments are quite weak, Hume’s interlocutors nevertheless cling to their theses from beginning …Read more
Uncovering the True “Wealth” of Happiness —Examining the Limitations that Govern Crœsus’s Question about Happiness and Aristotle’s Subsequent ReplyAnaliza I Egzystencja 24 165-176. 2013.
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