• This book examines the ethics behind conflicts of interest in the context of business and focuses on the foundations of moral philosophy that inform our understanding of ethics.
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    Which Golden Rule of Ethics?
    Journal of Human Values. forthcoming.
    The golden rule says: ‘Treat others as you want to be treated’. This article organizes contemporary interpretations of the rule into three groups: the ‘material’ golden rule, the ‘relativistic’ golden rule, and the ‘formal’ golden rule. The article also argues that (a) the relativistic golden rule is the weakest, (b) the formal golden rule is virtually irrefutable, (c) the material golden rule is less evident than the formal one, but not necessarily false and (d) the formal golden rule and the m…Read more
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    Kant’s Highest Good. A Defense
    In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, De Gruyter. pp. 2233-2242. 2018.
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    Miró Quesada's Quest for the Supreme Principle of Reason
    South American Journal of Logic 6 (2): 237-248. 2020.
    The goal of this paper is to outline and interpret Miró Quesada’s quest for the supreme formal principle of theoretical and practical reason: the principle of symmetry. The paper explains how this quest is rooted in Kant’s philosophy, as well as how Mir´o Quesada would have arguably reached the goal that escaped Kant himself. The paper also offers a new formulation of symmetry in ethics: “Act in such a way that, if you demand another to behave in accordance to a norm N, you commit yourself befor…Read more
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    La Ética de los Conflictos de Interés en los Negocios: Una Introducción
    Fondo Editorial de la Universidad del Pacífico. 2022.
    Junto con otros dilemas morales y cuestiones relacionadas con la responsabilidad social corporativa, los conflictos de interés son uno de los desafíos más comunes que se enfrentan en el lugar de trabajo. El libro se dedica a examinar la ética detrás de los conflictos de interés en el contexto de los negocios, centrándose en los fundamentos de la filosofía moral que informan nuestra comprensión de la ética. A través de su escritura clara y el uso de viñetas, el autor muestra cómo la ética puede u…Read more
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    El Laberinto y la Ley Moral
    In Del Mastro Cesare, Leclercq Jean, Rizo-Patrón Rosemary & Wiesse Jorge (eds.), Entre Philosophie et Littérature: La phénoménologie?, Presses Universitaires De Louvain. pp. 345-353. 2023.
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    Codes of ethics (with Mill, Kant and Aquinas)
    International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1). 2024.
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    El principio ético de no arbitrariedad: la teoría moral formal de Francisco Miró Quesada
    Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (286 Extra): 1339-1360. 2019.
    El objetivo de este artículo es introducir, interpretar y defender la originalidad de la «primera mitad» de la fundamentación racional de la ética de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias. Para ello, nos enfocaremos en sus tres primeros trabajos éticos —«El Intelectual, el Occidente y la Política», «Sobre el Derecho Justo» y «Ser Humano Naturaleza, Historia» — dejando sus escritos posteriores para un trabajo complementario. Mostraremos cómo Miró Quesada intenta refinar la filosofía moral de Immanuel…Read more
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    Blur: Alongside other moral dilemmas and corporate social responsibility related issues, conflicts of interest are one of the most common challenges faced in the workplace. This is the first book devoted to examining the ethics behind conflicts of interest in the context of business, focussing on the foundations of moral philosophy which informs our understanding of ethics. Through clear writing and applied examples, the author shows how ethics can be used to identify and manage conflicts of int…Read more
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    Como introducción interpretativa a la “segunda etapa” de la teoría moral de F. Miró Quesada (1918), se analizan sus tres últimos trabajos éticos para ver cómo intenta refi-nar la deontología kantiana, superar sus aparentes límites –materialismo encubierto, formalismo vacío y dualismo absurdo–, y repensar la moral como una moneda de dos caras: simetría y no arbitrariedad. Se presta especial atención a la simetría como condición suficiente para la ética.
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    Conflicts of Interest: A Moral Analysis
    Business and Professional Ethics Journal 39 (1): 121-142. 2020.
    What is a conflict of interest? What is morally problematic about one? Beginning with the definition, this paper organizes the core literature and creates two continuums—one devoted to the more specific definition of ‘interest,’ and the other to that of ‘duty’. Each continuum places the authors according to the narrowness or broadness of their positions, which facilitates the understanding of the debate as well as what is at stake when defining conflicts of interest. The paper then develops a mo…Read more
  • The purpose of this paper is to think the moral law in Francisco Miró Quesada's version: What is its source? What does it orders? And why is it important for ethics? The paper answers this question while contrasting Miró Quesada's position with that of Thomas Aquinas and Immanuel Kant.
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    Overcoming the Problem of Impossibility in Kant's Idea of the Highest Good
    Journal of Philosophical Research 38 27-41. 2013.
    The goal of this article is to defend Kant’s idea of the highest good as part of his ethics, particularly in relation to the alleged problem of impossibility, according to which it would be impossible to promote it, due to the obscurity of moral intentions and of the relative nature of happiness. As a preliminary step, a singular definition of the highest good is unfolded, one that sees the highest good as a moral world where virtue will be rewarded with happiness, which is a duty and an object …Read more
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    Irrational Advertising and Moral Autonomy
    Journal of Business Ethics 144 (3): 479-490. 2017.
    This article analyzes the four main criticisms against commercial manipulative advertising : the virtue ethics criticism, the utilitarian criticism, the autonomist criticism, and the Kantian criticism. After demonstrating the weaknesses of the virtue ethics criticism, the utilitarian criticism, and the autonomist criticism, I reconstruct the latter using Kant’s conception of autonomy. In doing so, I simultaneously expand the Kantian criticism: irrational advertising not only entails treating hum…Read more
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    The goal of this article is to introduce, interpret, and defend the originality of the «first half» of the rational foundation of ethics of Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias (Lima 1918-2019). To do so, we will focus on his three first ethical works —«El Intelectual, el Occidente y la Política» (1965), «Sobre el Derecho Justo» (1976) y «Ser Humano Naturaleza, Historia» (1987)—, leaving his later works aside for a complementary work. We will show how Miró Quesada tries to refine Immanuel Kant’s m…Read more
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    In the 1960s Lewis White Beck criticized Kant’s highest good as a moral concept. In 1963 John Silber responded. Thus, the “Beck-Silber controversy.” This paper explores such controversy in the Spanish literature. It begins identifying four criticisms: the problems of heteronomy, derivation, impossibility, and irrelevance. It then identifies a new problem rescued from the Spanish literature: dualism. After categorizing, following Matthew Caswell, the Spanish defenses into revisionists, secularize…Read more
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    El presente artículo tiene tres objetivos: a. compilar las críticas planteadas en contra del sumo bien kantiano ; b. elaborar una revisión crítica de las respectivas defensas; y c. desarrollar una nueva defensa, con énfasis en el problema de derivación. Respecto al primero punto, el artículo muestra que son al menos cinco los problemas que amenazan la doctrina: heteronomía, derivación, imposibilidad, irrelevancia y dualismo. Respecto al segundo, el artículo revela que las múltiples defensas elab…Read more