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    Psychiatric Consequences of WTC collapse and the Gulf War
    Mens Sana Monographs 1 (1): 5. 2003.
    Along with political, economic, ethical, rehabilitative and military dimensions, psychopathological sequelae of war and terrorism also deserve our attention. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre ( W.T.C.) in 2001 and the Gulf War of 1990-91 gave rise to a number of psychiatric disturbances in the population, both adult and children, mainly in the form of Post-traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD). Nearly 75,000 people suffered psychological problems in South Manhattan alone due to that one …Read more
  • © 2016 Hu et al.Oil reservoirs are major sites of methane production and carbon turnover, processes with significant impacts on energy resources and global biogeochemical cycles. We applied a cultivation-independent genomic approach to define microbial community membership and predict roles for specific organisms in biogeochemical transformations in Alaska North Slope oil fields. Produced water samples were collected from six locations between 1,128m and 2,743m below the surface. Microbial commu…Read more
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    Proteogenomic analyses indicate bacterial methylotrophy and archaeal heterotrophy are prevalent below the grass root zone
    with C. N. Butterfield, Z. Li, P. F. Andeer, S. Spaulding, B. C. Thomas, R. L. Hettich, K. B. Suttle, A. J. Probst, S. G. Tringe, T. Northen, C. Pan, and J. F. Banfield
    Annually, half of all plant-derived carbon is added to soil where it is microbially respired to CO2. However, understanding of the microbiology of this process is limited because most culture-independent methods cannot link metabolic processes to the organisms present, and this link to causative agents is necessary to predict the results of perturbations on the system. We collected soil samples at two sub-root depths before and after a rainfall-driven nutrient perturbation event in a Northern Ca…Read more
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    Preface, MSM 2013
    Mens Sana Monographs 11 (1): 1. 2013.
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    Preface - MSM 2009 Theme Monograph
    Mens Sana Monographs 7 (1): 1. 2009.
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    Preface to the second monograph
    Mens Sana Monographs 2 (1): 19. 2004.
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    Mens Sana Monographs 1 (1): 3. 2003.
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    A lot of Indian research is replicative in nature. This is because originality is at a premium here and mediocrity is in great demand. But replication has its merit as well because it helps in corroboration. And that is the bedrock on which many a fancied scientific hypothesis or theory stands, or falls. However, to go from replicative to original research will involve a massive effort to restructure the Indian psyche and an all round effort from numerous quarters. The second part of this paper …Read more
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    Suicide is amongst the top ten causes of death for all age groups in most countries of the world. It is the second most important cause of death in the younger age group (15-19 yrs.) , second only to vehicular accidents. Attempted suicides are ten times the successful suicide figures, and 1-2% attempted suicides become successful suicides every year. Male sex, widowhood, single or divorced marital status, addiction to alcohol ordrugs, concomitant chronic physical or mental illness, past suicidal…Read more
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    Most clinicians and researchers are concerned with recent advances in psychiatry. This involves the danger whether something time-tested may get sidelined for extra-scientific reasons. That the pharmaceutical industry and super-specialist researcher may keep churning out new findings to impress audiences is only a partial truth. Research progresses by refutation and self-correction. Acceptance in science is always provisional; changing paradigms, frameworks of enquiry and raising new questions i…Read more
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    Obituary-Dr. A. Venkoba Rao
    Mens Sana Monographs 3 (2): 55. 2005.
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    Conceptual Foundations of Mens Sana Monographs
    Mens Sana Monographs 2 (1): 0. 2004.
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    Some Answers
    Mens Sana Monographs 2 (1): 71. 2004.
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    The uniqueness of Psychiatry as a medical speciality lies in the fact that aside from tackling what it considers as illnesses, it has perchance to comment on and tackle many issues of social relevance as well. Whether this is advisable or not is another matter; but such a process is inevitable due to the inherent nature of the branch and the problems it deals with. Moreover this is at the root of the polarization of psychiatry into opposing psychosocial and biological schools. This gets reflecte…Read more
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  • A Peep Into Ethics and Metaethics
    Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (2/3): 202-228. 2002.
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    In Revered Memory of Prof. N.S. Vahia
    Mens Sana Monographs 6 (1): 0. 2008.
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    _In the light of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy, this paper looks into some of the problems of contemporary man as an individual, a member of society, a citizen of his country, a component of this world, and of nature itself. Concepts like Science; Nature,;Matter; Mental Being; Mana-purusa; Prana-purusa; Citta-purusa; Nation-ego and Nation-soul; True and False Subjectivism; World-state and World-union; Religion of Humanism are the focus of this paper. Nature: Beneath the diversity and uniqueness of …Read more
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    Guidelines, Editors, Pharma And The Biological Paradigm Shift
    Mens Sana Monographs 5 (1): 27. 2007.
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    Ethical Obligation Towards Research Subjects
    Mens Sana Monographs 5 (1): 107. 2007.
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    Dr. Bagadia, Sir, is No More
    Mens Sana Monographs 8 (1): 3. 2010.