• Valuing patient perspectives in the context of eating disorders
    Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 29 (1). 2024.
    This paper advocates for the inclusion of patient perspectives in the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders (EDs) for ethical, epistemological, and pragmatic reasons. We build upon the ideas of a recent editorial published in this journal. Using EDs as their example, the authors argue against dominant DSM-oriented approaches in favor of an increased focus on understanding patients’ subjective experiences. We argue that their analysis stops too soon for the development of practical—and acti…Read more
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    Teasing Apart the Roles of Interoception, Emotion, and Self-Control in Anorexia Nervosa
    with Sarah Arnaud, Jacqueline Sullivan, and Lindsay P. Bodell
    Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1-25. forthcoming.
    Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is widely considered to be a bodily disorder accompanied by unrealistic perceptions about one’s own body. Some researchers thus have wondered whether deficits in interoception, a conscious or non-conscious sense of one’s own body, could be a primary cause of AN. In this paper, we make the case that rather than interoception being a primary cause, deficits in interoception may occur as by-products of emotions that arise upstream in the pathogenesis of AN and interact with fe…Read more