•  9
    Enlightenment Liberalism
    with Nathan Tarcov and Wendy Donner
    In Randall Curren (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Education, Wiley-blackwell. 2003.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Editor's Prologue Descartes John Locke John Stuart Mill.
  •  18
    Editors' Note to Volume 45, Special Book Issue
    Hume Studies 45 (1): 1-2. 2019.
    This volume of Hume Studies is a special double-issue devoted to discussions of four recent books on Hume: Hume: an Intellectual Biography, by James Harris; Imagined Causes: Hume's Conception of Objects, by Stefanie Rocknak; Hume's True Scepticism, by Donald Ainslie; and Reflecting Subjects: Passion, Sympathy, and Society in Hume's Philosophy, by Jacqueline Taylor. The latter three discussions began as Author-Meets-Critics sessions at the 43rd International Hume Conference in Sydney, Australia, …Read more
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    Editors' Introduction for Volume 42
    Hume Studies 42 (1): 3-7. 2019.
    The new editorial team, Ann Levey, Karl Schafer and Amy Schmitter, are very pleased to present this special double-issue of Hume Studies. It contains a wide variety of articles on subjects old and new, as well as an assortment of book reviews, commissioned by the new book review editor, David Landy of San Francisco State University. We are grateful to the many people who have helped us get this volume and our tenure as editors underway, including the preceding editors-in-chief, Angela Coventry a…Read more
  •  29
    Mary Shepherd’s Essays on the Perception of an External Universe
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (2): 516-516. 2023.
    A very welcome addition to the Oxford New Histories of Philosophy, this new edition of Shepherd’s 1827 book comprises the lengthy ‘Essay on the Academical or Sceptical Philosophy’ and fourteen shor...
  •  43
    Many contemporary social epistemologists take themselves to be combatting an individualist approach to knowledge typified by Descartes. Although I agree that Descartes presents an individualist picture of scientific knowledge, he does allow some practical roles for reliance on the testimony and beliefs of others. More importantly, however, his reasons for committing to individualism raise important issues for social epistemology, particularly about how reliance on mere testimony can propagate pr…Read more
  •  17
    Leibniz and the Rational Order of Nature (review)
    Mind 110 (438): 542-546. 2001.
  •  11
    Descartes's Imagination: Proportion, Images, and the Activity of Thinking (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 50 (2): 424-425. 1996.
    1996 marks the 400th anniversary of Descartes' birth, and it seems only appropriate that it should bring a reevaluation of Descartes' thought and his place in the history of philosophy. Dennis Sepper's new book on the role of the imagination offers such a rethinking, proposing that--contrary to popular rumor--Descartes' entire corpus was centrally concerned with the proper uses of imagination, a concern initially informed by medieval doctrines of the internal senses and imagination. Sepper argue…Read more
  •  5
    Rightness and Reasons: Interpretation in Cultural Practices (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 50 (1): 165-166. 1996.
    In David Lodge's novel Changing Places, the protagonist Morris Zapp recalls his plan for a series of commentaries examining Jane Austen's novels under every possible rubric, from the historical to the structuralist, the mythical to the Marxist--all in order so to monopolize interpretation as to exhaust it altogether. I take it that Michael Krausz would find Zapp's ambition both unpalatable and impracticable, although he does not actually rule it out of court. Krausz's topic is interpretive ideal…Read more
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    The 17th century author François Poulain de la Barre was an important contributor to a pivotal moment in the history of feminist thought. Poulain borrows from many of Descartes’s doctrines, including his dualism, distrust of epistemic authority, accounts of imagination, and passion, and at least some aspects of his doxastic voluntarism; here I examine how he uses a Cartesian notion of prejudice for an anti-essentializing philosophy of women’s education and the formation of the tastes, talents an…Read more
  •  6
    Review: The Verificationist in Spite of Himself (review)
    History and Theory 42 (3): 412-423. 2003.
  •  64
    Mind and Sign: Method and the Interpretation of Mathematics in Descartes’s Early Work
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 30 (3): 371-411. 2000.
    Method may be second only to substance-dualism as the best-known among Descartes's enthusiasms. But knowing that Descartes wants to promote good method is one thing; knowing what exactly he wants to promote is another. Two views seem fairly widespread. The first rests on the claim that Descartes endorses a purely procedural picture of reason, so that right reasoning is a matter of proprieties of operation, rather than respect for its objects. On this view, a method for regulating our reason woul…Read more
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    Editors' introduction to Hume in Alberta
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 (S1): 1-7. 2012.
  •  33
    THAT DESCARTES WAS INTERESTED from the very start of his philosophic career in developing a method for problem-solving that could be applied generally to the solution of "unknowns" is well known. Also well known is the further development of the method by the introduction of the technique of hyperbolic doubt in his mature, metaphysical works, especially in the Meditations. Perhaps less widely appreciated is the important role that accounts of systems of signs played in the development of his ear…Read more
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    Noah Lemos, Common Sense: a Contemporary Defense (review)
    Philosophy in Review 25 416-418. 2005.
  •  14
    Descartes on Seeing (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 49 (4): 951-953. 1996.
  • Obrazujac wladzę: przedstawienie i Las Meninas
    In Andrzej Witko (ed.), Tajemnica Las Meninas, Wydawnictwo Aa. pp. 303-330. 2006.
    Translation of "Picturing Power: Representation and Las Meninas" (2006).
  •  56
    Taxonomy and terminology might seem like dull topics. But the diverse ways that eighteenth-century philosophers identified and classified the emotions crucially shaped the approaches they took. This chapter traces the sources available to eighteenth-century British philosophers for naming and ordering the passions, lays out the main vocabulary and concepts used for description and analysis, including the notions of “reflection” and “sympathy,” and outlines the principles that organized explanati…Read more
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    Whatever may be its other sins, the history of philosophy cannot be faulted for the fleetingness of its memory: "modern" philosophy, after all, is supposed to begin with a figure born 400 years ago, René Descartes. Indeed, even the view that it began then can trace its ancestry back to Descartes. But it would be historically naïve simply to agree with Descartes's self-congratulatory myth of creating a new philosophy ex nihilo. His achievement was a tremendous one, rightfully seen as provoking a …Read more
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    This paper argues that Descartes conceives of theoretical reason in terms derived from practical reason, particularly in the role he gives to the passions. That the passions serve — under normal circumstances — to preserve the union of mind and body is a well-known feature of Descartes's defense of our native make-up. But they are equally important in our more purely theoretical endeavors. Some passions, most notably wonder, provide a crucial source of motivation in the search after truth, and a…Read more