Andrea Bucci

Società Italiana Di Neuroetica (SINe)
  •  295
    Naive realism is a widely debated topic in the philosophy of the mind. In this article I will review the theses of naive realism through the works of one of the most influential philosophers who supported and developed them, Michael Martin. Once the reasons why naive realism should be supported are discussed, I will propose an empirical argument to show that naive realism and the most basic scientific knowledge of perceptive processes are contradictory.
  •  282
    Il libro prende in esame la percezione come il modo in cui gli oggetti del mondo esterno entrano a far parte della nostra esperienza cosciente. Il corpo, da un lato, gli oggetti del mondo che ci circonda, dall'altro, verranno messi nel loro posto di argomento rispetto alla metafisica della nostra esperienza percettiva.
  •  246
    In this paper I will try to outline a Metaphysics of Perception that takes for granted one of the central thesis of the metaphysical doctrine called Indirect Realism. Firstly, I will introduce the central thesis of Indirect Realism and then a special version of the Causal Theory of Perception that modifies in some fundamental respect one of the most influential version of Causal Theory of Perception designed by William Child.
  •  237
    Interpretation of Modern Art Masterpieces: No Motor Reflection
    with Paolo Bartolomeo Pascolo
    Progress in Neuroscience 5 (4-5): 12. 2021.
    The article is an experiment that deals with "Embodied Simulation" and " Embodied Cognition". This work follows the procedures of studies of the Parma Group and against them try to demonstrate their failure. The cognition is not embodied at all, maybe a little and at least.
  •  237
    Con questo articolo vorrei dare qualche argomento e qualche esempio per mostrare la natura non fisica dell’esperienza umana. Per prima cosa argomenterò l’esistenza di qualcosa di non fisico e successivamente come e perché fenomeni come colori, emozioni, stati mentali e tutti gli altri fenomeni legati alla soggettività sono ciò che compone l’esperienza umana nel suo versante non fisico. Nel secondo capitolo mostrerò qual è la relazione tra l’esperienza umana nel suo carattere non fisico e me…Read more
  •  235
    Divulgare la mente
    Edizioni Tabula Fati. 2018.
    Raccolta di brevi saggi in filosofia della mente
  •  234
    In this paper, I have outlined an original Metaphysics of Perception which takes into consideration some of the most common views about perception in the contemporary debate. Then I will look at the consequences of this metaphysics about our perception of others and what we know about them. In the third section, I suggest how to make sense of certain neuroscientific discoveries about social perception and social cognition. In the conclusion, I recap what has been done to say that others are what…Read more
  •  164
    Un primo tentativo di dare un'interpretazione morale dell'aritmetica.
  •  130
    Colours, brain and immateriality
    with Paolo Bartolomeo Pascolo
    Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences 13 (2): 43-46. 2020.
    The hypothesis we present in this paper is about the representation of colours in the nervous system as metaphysical and immaterial properties of the neural activations, first in the lateral geniculate body and following in the primary visual cortex, where the colours are not directly coded but whose representation is modulated by a signal born by fewer neurons. The metaphysical background of this hypothesis is the dualism of properties that will be discussed in the last paragraph of this articl…Read more
  •  115
    Where and What: Two Experiments for Dualism
    Journal of Neurophilosophy 1 (2). 2022.
    In 2007, two experiments that have now become very famous have appeared in the neuroscientific literature. With over of one thousand of citation, that moved neuroscientist to speculate about the self- representation and other conscious phenomena and to create new experiments, Henrik Ehrsson and Bigna Lengenhagger produce in two studies out of the body experiences in healthy subjects. The literature reports this kind of experience as consequence of neurological disease or drug use. In this articl…Read more
  •  63
    Effectus Philosophiae
    Tabula Fati. 2023.
    Questo saggio cerca di mostrare che la filosofia non deve essere obbligatoriamente intesa come una disciplina che discute problemi, cercando sempre nuove soluzioni, ma che resta alla mercé delle correnti di pensiero che in un caso o nell'altro si avvicendano nel corso della storia senza poter mai trovare una conclusione ultima a quei problemi. Nel primo capitolo l'autore ripercorre brevemente alcune delle metodologie della ricerca filosofica che hanno segnato la storia della filosofia mostrandon…Read more
  •  1
    The Dissolution of Dawkins' Riddle Is Not So Hard
    Journal of Neurophilosophy 2 (2). 2023.
    In this paper, I propose a metaphysics of group selection that solves the conundrum without appealing to the biological research in modern evolutionism but taking it in the background and citing it when needed. In my opinion, the group selection is practically possible and it does not contrast with the other fact, that natural selection involves individuals’ genes only. I propose this metaphysics as a reasoned narration of how the group selection works and I will show how the conundrum can be so…Read more
  • The Cartesian Set Theory: A Unifying Theory for Mental Disorders
    Journal of Neurophilosophy 2 (2). 2023.
    In this essay I want to propose a relative new theory about conscious states, human experience and its application in the study of mental disorders in the broader sense. I will call this theory, which has some similarities with the most famous Cartesian Theatre metaphor by Daniel Dennet, The Cartesian Set Theory. My Cartesian Set Theory try to reveal with the help of some analogies the entire field of human experience and, I retain obvious, the conscious one. Contextually, I will try to explain …Read more