University of Bologna
Department of Philosophy and Communication
PhD, 2009
Milan, Italy
  •  12
    A Journey Beyond Babel
    In Vestrucci Andrea (ed.), Beyond Babel: Religion and Linguistic Pluralism, Springer Verlag. pp. 1-12. 2023.
    How do religions and languages interact? This inquiry prompts us to explore not only various religious traditions and their respective languages but also the plurality of linguistic codes. When examined in relation to religious experiences, concepts, and identities, this linguistic plurality becomes interconnected, giving rise to a pluralism that taps into religious paths, practices, texts, stories, and encounters. Reflecting upon the interplay of languages within religious contexts takes us on …Read more
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    Beyond Babel: Religion and Linguistic Pluralism (edited book)
    Springer Verlag. 2023.
    This volume is the first attempt to explicitly investigate how the multiplicity of religions and forms of spirituality interconnect with the multiplicities of language, such as digital lingo and the language of science. This book analyzes how religious and linguistic multiplicities become a pluralism, that is, how they enter into polyphonic relations, as well as how they interconnect, grow together, and why they often clash. The contributors are renown international scholars working in interreli…Read more
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    The exploration of metaphysical arguments in the symbolic AI environment provides clarification and raises unexpected questions about notions in philosophy of religion and theology. Recent attempts to apply automatic theorem prover technology to Anselm's ontological argument have led to a simplification of the argument. This computationally discovered simplification has given rise to logical observations. The article assesses one of these observations: the application of the diagonal method (in …Read more
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    Can AI Help Us to Understand Belief? Sources, Advances, Limits, and Future Directions
    with Sara Lumbreras and Lluis Oviedo
    International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence 7 (1): 24-33. 2021.
    The study of belief is expanding and involves a growing set of disciplines and research areas. These research programs attempt to shed light on the process of believing, understood as a central human cognitive function. Computational systems and, in particular, what we commonly understand as Artificial Intelligence (AI), can provide some insights on how beliefs work as either a linear process or as a complex system. However, the computational approach has undergone some scrutiny, in particular a…Read more
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    This introduction to the thematic section of Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science on “Artificial Intelligence and Religion: Recent Advances and Future Directions” outlines the five articles by dividing them into two groups: the three that analyze the impact of recent advances in subsymbolic artificial intelligence (AI) on religion and theology, and the two that explore theological concepts in symbolic AI environments. These five articles are five steps toward a strong, deep, and interdisciplin…Read more
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    Thinking from Justification Towards a New Perspective – in and with Martin Luther
    Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 20 (2): 56-77. 2018.
    In this article I present a new perspective on the theological concept of justification, by focusing not on the content but on the form of this concept. I start with the semantic overabundance related to justification, with specific reference three meanings: the forensic, the effective, and the ontological-theotic. Then, I confront these meanings with Luther's idea of justification as in his De servo arbitrio. Thanks to this, I stress that the theological concept of justification plays a meta-co…Read more
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    In our contribution to this special issue on thought experiments and mathematics, we aim to insert theology into the conversation. There is a very long tradition of substantial inquiries into the relationship between theology and mathematics. Platonism has been provoking a consolidation of that tradition to some extent in recent decades. Accordingly, in this paper we look at James R. Brown’s Platonic account of thought experiments. Ultimately, we offer an analysis of some of the merits and peril…Read more
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    Religions use linguistic and non-linguistic codes of meaning to express their contents: natural tongues, music, sculpture, poetry, rituals, practices... Also, religions provide the semantic context and the rules to produce, validate, and interpret their expressions: as such, religions can be considered languages. The Sophia Special Issue ‘Religions and Languages: A Polyphony of Faiths’ explores the multifaceted relationships of world religions with languages broadly construed, intended as other …Read more
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    This paper is a letter never sent to philosopher, and friend, Ágnes Heller. In this letter I ideally discuss with her the qualities and the defaults of philosophy in contemporary world, while engaging some of her recent positions on the topic. First, I outline some epistemological issues in philosophy, and I confront them with science. Then, I deepen the distinction between academic and public aspects of philosophy, and the “Great Divide” between analytic and continental trends, and I present a …Read more
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    What distinguishes theology from the other uses of language? Is theology a specific language, or is it a specific situation of language, a specific way to consider language? I start with the issue of language’s inadequacy before divine revelation. By analyzing the variety of answers to this inopia verborum, I show that the theological inadequacy of language is not conceptual, but formal: it concerns the metalinguistic definition of inadequacy. Then, I formalize the relationship between metalangu…Read more
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    According to Ágnes Heller’s plans in 1989 and 1990, the last volume of her moral trilogy should have been entitled A Theory of Proper Conduct. In 1996 the third volume finally appeared with the title An Ethics of Personality. Its content: a series of philosophical dialogues between many dramatis personæ. The change in style and methodology of the third volume led to many criticisms, amongst them Mihály Vajda’s questioning of the whole project’s consistency. The present paper aims to engage these…Read more
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    Thesis Eleven 125 (1): 3-9. 2014.
    There is no rigorous philosophy which does not depend on history of philosophy, and which does not acknowledge this dependence; there is no cogent research on history of philosophy which does not take also a philosophical position. This is the credo informing the contributions to this Thesis Eleven special issue on Ágnes Heller. Yet each contribution embodies this afflatus in its specific way, each one discusses Ágnes Heller and with Ágnes Heller according to its own standpoint, whether ethics o…Read more
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    Le quattro cause della tragedia
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 5 (1): 150-178. 2013.
    This paper aims to analyze one of the highest achievements of humankind, the classical tragedy, via the application of the heuristic paradigm proposed by Aristotle in his Physics, the fourfold determination of the concept of cause. This scientific methodology – one of the most effective viatica for a comprehensive response to the question of the nature of an object – informs the inquiry into the universal nature of tragedy, its hypercomplexity and hence its ethical and human relevance. Firstly, …Read more
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    Eric Weil explicite son concept de reprise en mentionnant une analogie fonctionnelle entre la reprise et le concept kantien de schème. Or, la nature, les conditions et les limites de cette analogie doivent être approfondies. En partant d’une analyse du schème transcendan­tal kantien, l’analogie entre schème et reprise est mise en cause à la lumière de la différence entre les ordres des fonctions que les deux concepts sont destinés à accomplir : d’un côté, le schème opère au niveau transcendantal…Read more