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    Obwohl Claude Lefort auaerhalb Frankreichs nur Eingeweihten bekannt sein durfte, war er einer der einflussreichsten politischen Theoretiker fur den franzosischen Diskurs seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Nach dem Krieg hatte er in diversen Projekten an der Etablierung einer franzosischen kritischen Linken pragend mitgewirkt, die sich gegen die partei- und Sowjetunionstreue Linie Sartres durchzusetzen hatte. So entwickelte er ein Verstandnis des kommunistischen Totalitarismus, das dann gleichsam eine K…Read more
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    In discussing the works of 16th-century theorists Francisco de Vitoria and Alberico Gentili, this article examines how two different conceptions of a global legal community affect the legal character of the international order and the obligatory force of international law. For Vitoria the legal bindingness of ius gentium necessarily presupposes an integrated character of the global commonwealth that leads him to as it were ascribe legal personality to the global community as a whole. But then it…Read more
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    Jean-Luc Nancy: A Negative Politics?
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (1): 89-109. 2006.
    Taking his critique of totalitarianizing conceptions of community as a starting point, this text examines Jean-Luc Nancy's work of an ‘ontology of plural singular being’ for its political implications. It argues that while at first this ontology seems to advocate a negative or an anti-politics only, it can also be read as a ‘theory of communicative praxis’ that suggests a certain ethos – in the form of a certain use of symbols (which is expressed only inaptly by the word ‘style’) that would rend…Read more