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    Konsequente Denkungsart. Studien zu einer philosophischen Tugend (edited book)
    with Stefan Klingner
    Felix Meiner Verlag. 2024.
    Gerade bei den sogenannten Klassikern der Philosophie lassen sich besonders viele Beispiele für eine konsequente Denkungsart finden. Dass etwa Kant um der Moral willen den unrechtmäßig Verfolgten seinen Häschern auszuliefern bereit ist, stellt eine unerhörte Provokation dar. Anstoß erregen auch viele der konsequenten Schlüsse eines Hobbes oder Spinoza, die in ihren Werken die aus den eigenen systematischen Voraussetzungen zwingend folgenden Resultate rigoros ausbuchstabieren. Bernd Ludwig zählt …Read more
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    Ciceronian Officium and Kantian Duty
    Review of Metaphysics 75 (4): 667-706. 2022.
    In this paper we examine the genealogy and transmission of moral duty in Western ethics. We begin with an uncontroversial account of the Stoic notion of the kathēkon, and then examine the pivotal moment of Cicero’s translation of it into Latin as ‘officium’. We take a deflationary view of the impact of Cicero’s translation and conclude that his translation does not mark a departure from the Stoic ideal. We find further confirmation of our deflationary position in the development of the notion of…Read more
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    The happy death of the Stoic. Wisdom and finitude in Stoic philosophy
    Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 13 (1): 87-106. 2008.
    This paper attempts to furnish a Stoic reply to an accusation addressing the Stoics' ideal of the wise man according to which it is impossible to realize their ideal and therefore their whole system has to face a paradox: How is wisdom possible when all people are fools and it is impossible for them to become good? In addition to this question there is another important problem connected with the ideal of wisdom. The Stoic philosophers deny transcendental ideas. Instead they are well known for t…Read more
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    Kant and the metaphysics of causality - by Eric Watkins
    Philosophical Books 49 (1): 52-54. 2008.
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    Gerhard Ernst, die objektivität der moral
    Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (3): 317-319. 2009.
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    Epikur über den Gegenstand der Wahrnehmung
    Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 97 (3). 2015.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 97 Heft: 3 Seiten: 271-307.
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    The Stoic Definition of Chance
    Ancient Philosophy 39 (1): 175-189. 2019.
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    Epicurus on Truth and Phantasia
    Ancient Philosophy 35 (1): 155-182. 2015.
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    In Kant's theoretical philosophy substance is not only constitutive for objects as one of the categories of pure reason, but also functions as a substrate for the unity of time. Result of these different functions is an ambiguity in the meaning of Kant's notion of substance. Is there only one or are there many individual substances? This paper traces the ways in which Kant uses substance not only in the Critique of Pure Reason, but also in the draft „Transition 1–14“ of the Opus postumum to find…Read more
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    Zivilgesellschaft im Umbruch
    Philosophische Rundschau 70 (1): 4. 2023.
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    In Kant's theoretical philosophy substance is not only constitutive for objects as one of the categories of pure reason, but also functions as a substrate for the unity of time. Result of these different functions is an ambiguity in the meaning of Kant's notion of substance. Is there only one or are there many individual substances? This paper traces the ways in which Kant uses substance not only in the Critique of Pure Reason, but also in the draft „Transition 1–14“ of the Opus postumum to find…Read more
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    Kants Konzeption des höchsten Gutes
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 130 (1): 21-45. 2023.
    Kant’s highest good consists of happiness and the worthiness of happiness, that is, morality. The question of the exact connection between these two parts is disputed. Some argue that Kant proposed different, sometimes contradictory, concepts of the highest good. First, the highest good is said to consist in the distribution of happiness in relation to morality. Second, the highest good is said to describe a maximal or best state in which the greatest morality is associated with the highest happ…Read more
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    Schiller’s Philosophy of History
    In Antonino Falduto & Tim Mehigan (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Friedrich Schiller, Springer Verlag. pp. 371-387. 2023.
    Schiller’s philosophy of history has received comparatively little attention. This is partly because Schiller is perceived as a poor imitation of Kant or the existence of a systematic philosophy of history is simply denied. This chapter aims to remedy this deficit by first showing that Schiller developed a philosophy of history that shaped his understanding of history. The second part will identify important differences between Schiller’s conception of history and that of Kant. It will be shown …Read more
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    Kann man Aristoteles’ Philosophie der Wahrnehmung noch für wahr nehmen?
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 121 (1): 3-32. 2014.
    The majority of current interpreters of Aristotle’s theory of perception assume that perception must be understood as a passive process. This assumption is mainly justified by systematic considerations. Particularly influential for the ongoing debate on the proper understanding of Aristotle’s theory is the work of Myles Burnyeat, whose interpretation amounts to a devastating critique of the Aristotelian philosophy of perception. This paper wants to shed some light on the kind of activity that is…Read more
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    Michael N. Forster: Kant and Skepticism
    In Jürgen Stolzenberg, Fred Rush & Karl P. Ameriks (eds.), Glaube Und Vernunft. / Faith and Reason, De Gruyter. pp. 289-292. 2010.
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    This paper is devoted to the systematic place and function of divine providence in Kant. The main focus is put on the connection between the highest good as the ultimate object of morality and the different conceptions of providence. The paper is divided into three sections. First, it discusses Kant's critical answer to question of the compatibility of mechanism and teleology. Second, it addresses the role of providence in the context of the highest moral good. Third, it draws attention to the t…Read more
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    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 4 Seiten: 474-477.
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    Kant und die Dinge an sich – Was leistet die ontologische Version der Zwei-Aspekete-Theorie?
    Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (2): 123-144. 2010.
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    Die sog. Preisschrift über die Fortschritte der Metaphysik hat in den letzten Jahren überraschend wenig Aufmerksamkeit in der Kantforschung erfahren. Das beginnt sich erst langsam zu ändern, bedingt vor allem durch das Wiedereinsetzen eines allgemeinen Interesses an Metaphysik, aber auch durch die Wiederentdeckung der Einsicht, dass die kantische Philosophie nicht nur ihren Ursprung in der nach-wolffschen Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts hat, sondern dass Kant mit seinen Fragestellungen insgesam…Read more
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    Bereits in der Antike galt Alexander von Aphrodisias als der größte Aristoteleskommentator. In seiner Schrift „De fato“ widmet er sich dem Determinismusproblem, einem Problem, das Aristoteles zwar in allen seinen Implikationen behandelt, aber kein eigenständiges Buch dazu verfasst und keine eindeutige Stellungnahme dazu gemacht hat. Im Sinne der aristotelischen Philosophie argumentiert Alexander gegen einen nicht genannten philosophischen Gegner, der von den meisten Interpreten jedoch als stoisc…Read more