•  13
    In this paper, I draw a parallel between Søren Kierkegaard’s pseudonym Johannes Climacus and Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenological account of revelation. By connecting Climacus’ notion of the paradox with Marion’s saturated phenomenon, I both defend what I see as similar in the two accounts and attack the clarity of Marion’s notion of saturated phenomenon. I first explicate Marion’s accusation of subject-centeredness against Husserl’s Cartesians Meditations which the transcendental ego receives fro…Read more
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    Here, I consider three issues in Jon Stewart’s Hegel’s Interpretation of the Religions of the World chapter on Hegel’s treatment of Chinese religions in the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. First, I show how Stewart’s compilation of multiple courses into one unified entity hides the substantial promotion of its status in the 1831 lectures. Second, I contend that rather than identifying Hegel’s Chinese religion with the ancient Zhou practices as Stewart does, Hegel sees it as referring to …Read more
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    Kierkegaard’s Defence of Faith as Second-Order Partialism and Critique of Impartialism
    Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (1): 80-85. 2021.
    ABSTRACT While Katherine Dormandy claims Kierkegaard is an anti-epistemological partialist, Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling provides a second-order partialism that takes evidence and reason seriously but sees these considerations as exceeded for a self who stands in relationship with the absolute.
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    Putting Ruist and Hegelian Social Thought in Dialogue
    Philosophy East and West 71 (3): 724-746. 2021.
    This article first considers Hegel's treatment of Ruist thought, especially the Berlin-era lectures. While Hegel and Hegelian thought cannot integrate non-Western material, five interesting analogues in their social thought deserve consideration: the family as society's relational foundation; ritual as cultural language; Hegelian necessity as Ruist fate; rulers as relational centers; and tools for evaluating ritual.
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    Hegel's Complete Views on Crime and Punishment
    Journal of the American Philosophical Association 4 (4): 525-544. 2018.
    In this article, I argue that Hegel's complete and mature view of crime and punishment is more robust than many interpretations of the Unrecht passage in the ‘Abstract Right’ section of Hegel's Elements of the Philosophy of Right suggest. First, I explain the value of revisiting the interpretation of Hegel as a simple retributionist in the contemporary debate. Then, I look at Hegel's treatment of crime and punishment in the section on abstract right to show the role of punishment in Hegel's acco…Read more
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    Faith, Recognition, and Community
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (3): 445-464. 2018.
    This article looks at “faith-in” and what Jonathan Kvanvig calls the “belittler objection” by comparing Hegel’s and Kierkegaard’s interpretations of Abram (later known as Abraham). I first argue that Hegel’s treatment of Abram in Spirit of Christianity and its Fate is an objection to faith-in. Building on this with additional Hegelian texts, I argue that Hegel’s objection employs his social command account of morality. I then turn to Johannes de Silentio’s treatments of Abraham in Fear and Tremb…Read more
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    Ethics is for Children Revisiting Aristotle's Virtue Theory
    In Brock Bahler & David Kennedy (eds.), Philosophy of Childhood Today: Exploring the Boundaries, Lexington Books. pp. 39-52. 2016.
    Building on the research of Daryl Tress and others in terms of Aristotle's views of children and the function-argument in the Nicomachean Ethics as analzyed by Ackrill and Nagel (inter alia), I first look at how Aristotle viewed children within ethics. I then suggest an alternate approach where children could be virtuous agents and have their own form of eudaimonia, which includes but is not wholly defined by the fact that they grow into adult humans
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    How Relational Selfhood Rearranges the Debate between Feminists and Confucians
    with Stephanie Komashin
    In Mathew Foust & Sor-Hoon Tan (eds.), Feminist Encounters with Confucius, Brill. pp. 147-170. 2016.
    In this chapter we look at selfhood in contemporary Confucianism and feminism. We will argue that contemporary Confucians and feminists (and, with some caveats, Confucius and Mencius) have three important points in common when considering the self. In our argument, we will reflect on the debate about Chengyang Li's suggestion that there are important similarities between 仁 (ren ), a term that means roughly "humanity;' "human kindness,'' or "humanity at its best;' and the care ethics advocated by…Read more
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    How Kierkegaard can help us understand covering in Analects 13.18
    Asian Philosophy 26 (2): 133-148. 2016.
    ABSTRACTI suggest that Kierkegaard proves a helpful interlocutor in the debate about Analects 13.18 and the meaning of yin 隱. After surveying the contemporary debate, I argue that Kierkegaard and the Confucians agree on three important points. First, they both present relational selves. Second, both believe certain relationships are integral for moral knowledge. Third, both present a differentiated account of love where our obligations are highest to those with whom we are closest. Moreover, Kie…Read more
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    Maybe Happiness is Loving our Fathers: Confucius and the Rituals of Dad
    In Nease Ron & Austin Michael (eds.), Fatherhood and Philosophy, Wiley-blackwell. 2011.
    This article looks at fatherhood through a Confucian lens of ritual, excellence, and wisdom. Ritual within society, like grammar in speech, provides a means of expression for thoughts and feelings. Confucius’ Analects contains an implicit virtue ethic focused on excellence in family relationships through ritual. I contrast Confucius’ treatment of law and family with Plato’s dilemma in Euthyphro. Practical wisdom then provides the key to knowing when to use what ritual to express one's feelin…Read more
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    Anti-Climacus’s Pre-emptive Critique of Heidegger’s “Question Concerning Technology”
    International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3): 265-277. 2014.
    In this article I argue that The Sickness unto Death, authored by Kierkegaard under the pseudonym Johannes Anti-Climacus, has resources for an interesting critique of technology in some ways like that of Heidegger’s critiques in “Question Concerning Technology” and Being and Time. I suggest that Anti-Climacus’s account of “despair” resonates with much of what Heidegger says about inauthenticity and the self’s orientation toward death. But I also contend that in maintaining that the self can only…Read more