• Recent theories of secularization and perspectives of secular-religious dialogue
    Известия Саратовского Университета: Новая Серия. Серия Философия. Психология. Педагогика 22 (4): 373-376. 2022.
    Introduction. The article examines the current philosophical debates about the relationship between secular and religious worldviews. The article outlines recent forms of postsecularization as the continued existence of religious communities in a continually secularizing environment, identifying its main dimensions: the deinstitutionalization of the religious lifestyle, the individualization of faith, and the development of new social forms in the religious fi eld. Theoretical analysis. The cent…Read more
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    Social myth as a factor in constructing images of the future
    Известия Саратовского Университета: Новая Серия. Серия Философия. Психология. Педагогика 21 (4): 372-376. 2021.
    The article defines the contemporary social myth as a value-laden phenomenon with the potential and significance, but which is used in different ways by actors – an indwelling by a myth, a creator of a myth and a critic of a myth. The process of myth-making is considered as launching the so-called work on myth, which includes both the activity of myth-makers and the functioning of the myth in the masses. The appeal to the project function of the social myth and the consideration of the degree of…Read more
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    Trans/Form/Ação 42 (SPE): 9-12. 2019.
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    In this article we examine the main fragments of Thomas Aquinas regarding beauty. Our approach allows us to acquire the repertoire of definitions of beauty that are found in his commentaries and thought. Thus our scope is reconstruct at the theory of beauty that is implicit in Thomas Aquinas.
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    Apology and Architectural Art
    Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1): 179-186. 2012.
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    Entrevista com o Professor Franklin Leopoldo e Silva
    with Clélia Ap Martins
    Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1): 239-266. 2013.
  • Prazer e apreensão na caracterização do belo segundo Tomás de Aquino
    Scintilla: Revista de Filosofia e Mística Medieval 5 (1): 61-76. 2008.
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    Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1): 09-09. 2012.
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    São Bernardo: Apologia e Arte Arquitetural
    Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1): 179-186. 2012.
    Este artigo busca expor as críticas de Bernardo de Claraval às superfluidades humanas no texto da Apologia , especialmente aquelas referentes à arte arquitetural. Em segundo lugar, procura analisar as implicações estéticas do ascetismo cisterciense e bernardiano. As críticas de Bernardo exercem uma influência decisiva na ornamentação e fazem nascer uma nova arquitetura
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    St. Bernard: Apology and Architectural Art
    Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1): 179-186. 2012.
    Este artigo busca expor as críticas de Bernardo de Claraval às superfluidades humanas no texto da Apologia, especialmente aquelas referentes à arte arquitetural. Em segundo lugar, procura analisar as implicações estéticas do ascetismo cisterciense e bernardiano. As críticas de Bernardo exercem uma influência decisiva na ornamentação e fazem nascer uma nova arquitetura. This paper is to expose the criticism of human superfluities at Bernard of Clairvaux in the text of the Apology, especially thos…Read more