26Does Multi-Component Strategy Training Improve Calculation Fluency Among Poor Performing Elementary School Children?Frontiers in Psychology 9. 2018.
13The Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition (edited book)Oxford University Press UK. 2015.Numbers are vital to so many areas of life: in science, economics, sports, education, and many aspects of everyday life from infancy onwards. This handbook brings together the different research areas that make up the vibrant field of numerical cognition in one comprehensive and authoritative volume.
10Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition (edited book)Oxford University Press. 2016.Numbers are vital to so many areas of life: in science, economics, sports, education, and many aspects of everyday life from infancy onwards. This handbook brings together the different research areas that make up the vibrant field of numerical cognition in one comprehensive and authoritative volume.
55Linguistic influences on mathematical development: How important is the transparency of the counting system?Philosophical Psychology 21 (4). 2008.Wales uses languages with both regular (Welsh) and irregular (English) counting systems. Three groups of 6- and 8-year-old Welsh children with varying degrees of exposure to the Welsh language—those who spoke Welsh at both home and school; those who spoke Welsh only at home; and those who spoke only English—were given standardized tests of arithmetic and a test of understanding representations of two-digit numbers. Groups did not differ on the arithmetic tests, but both groups of Welsh speakers …Read more
19Does the transparency of the counting system affect children's numerical abilities?Frontiers in Psychology 6. 2015.
34How important is spatial ability to mathematics?Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2): 251-251. 1996.This commentary focuses on one of the many issues raised in Geary's target article: the importance of gender differences in spatial ability to gender differences in mathematics. I argue that the evidence for the central role of spatial ability in mathematical ability, or in gender differences in it, is tenuous at best.
19Relationships Between Mathematics Performance and Attitude to Mathematics: Influences of Gender, Test Anxiety, and Working MemoryFrontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.Many studies have indicated that mathematics anxiety, and other negative attitudes and emotions toward mathematics, are pervasive and are associated with lower mathematical performance. Some previous research has suggested that working memory is related to both mathematics anxiety and mathematics. Moreover, both gender and chosen course of study appeared likely to influence students’ attitudes to mathematics. In the present study, 40 university undergraduates completed a battery of assessments i…Read more
10Domain-general and domain-specific influences on emerging numerical cognition: Contrasting uni-and bidirectional prediction modelsCognition 215 (C): 104816. 2021.
5Individual Differences in Arithmetical AbilitiesIn Roi Cohen Kadosh & Ann Dowker (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition, Oxford University Press Uk. 2015.This chapter discusses individual differences in arithmetic. It deals relatively briefly with the findings about the general large extent of such differences in both children and adults. It then discusses findings that indicate that it is inadequate to speak of arithmetical ability as a single characteristic. Rather, it is made up of many components, which may correlate, but also show significant functional independence. Discrepancies between any two such components, in both directions, can be f…Read more
Young children's use of derived fact strategies for addition and subtractionIn Philippe Chassy & Wolfgang Grodd (eds.), Abstract mathematical cognition, Frontiers Media Sa. 2016.
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