• Moral Principles: Criticism and Defense
    Studia Gilsoniana 12 (4): 685-722. 2023.
    The main purpose of this essay is to defend moral principles in the light of their critique by advocates of anti-theory in ethics. Moral principles, according to critics, cannot realize the main aim of principle-based ethics, which is providing a decision procedure. Abstract, general character of rules cannot correctly recognize an action’s moral value. The relation between normative and descriptive cannot be captured by principles. The above arguments were critically analyzed. For our moral jud…Read more
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    Problem odpowiedzialności za przypadkowe skutki działania
    Roczniki Filozoficzne 67 (2): 119-139. 2019.
    In the paper, I defend the claim that agent who caused unintentional loss should take responsibility for it. Such kind of responsibility is neither a result of being guilty, being moral responsible for the loss, nor is just the expression of one’s sensitivity to other people’s hurt, but it has proper objective reasons. Human being experiences unity of his agency both in intentional actions and in actions which result in unintended harm. Moral agent is not only autonomous author of the action but…Read more
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    Nature, Reason and the Good Life. Ethics for Human Beings (review)
    Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (1): 128-134. 2012.