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    Why nature matters: A systematic review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values
    with A. Himes, B. Muraca, C. B. Anderson, S. Athayde, T. Beery, M. Cantú-Fernández, D. González-Jiménez, R. K. Gould, A. P. Hejnowicz, J. Kenter, D. Lenzi, R. Murali, U. Pascual, C. Raymond, K. Russo, A. Samakov, S. Stålhammar, H. Thorén, and E. Zent
    BioScience 74 (1). 2024.
    In this article, we present results from a literature review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values of nature conducted for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, as part of the Methodological Assessment of the Diverse Values and Valuations of Nature. We identify the most frequently recurring meanings in the heterogeneous use of different value types and their association with worldviews and other key concepts. From frequent uses, we dete…Read more
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    Fanon and Soap Advertising
    CLR James Journal 29 (1): 221-251. 2023.
    This paper critically examines the pervasive colonial myth that associates whiteness with cleanliness and blackness with dirtiness, a myth often perpetuated through media, especially soap advertisements. Through an analysis of Frantz Fanon’s contributions to psychoanalysis and phenomenology, the paper elucidates how racial constructs are sociogenically constructed and internalized, shaping the collective unconscious. Focusing on Fanon’s phenomenological exploration of the white gaze, the paper h…Read more
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    This article argues that ‘the digital’ and ‘big data’ are metaphors of obfuscation, which are used to screen the real effects of technologies on lived experiences and the planet. Now that technolog...
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    Philosophy in the American West: A Geography of Thought (review)
    Environmental Philosophy 18 (2): 360-363. 2021.
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    The (W)hole in the Archive
    Paragraph 37 (3): 387-402. 2014.
    This article turns its attention to the accounts that Foucault and Derrida made following their encounters with archives, and it relates these accounts to the files of the former East German secret police. Derrida and Foucault located differing qualities of authority in the archives that they consulted, yet they are shown here to converge around a problem of non-integrity in the structuration of the archive as supposed guarantor of epistemological sovereignty. A terminology of sovereign integrit…Read more