• David Clemenson: Descartes' theory of ideas
    Studia Leibnitiana 38 (2). 2006.
  • In this paper, I argue that Hegel’s account of causality as developed in the Science of Logic can be described as a ‘manipulationist’ account of causality. First, some conceptual clarifications will help set our sights on the goal of the paper. What is a theory of causality comprised of? And what is a manipulationist account of causality? Next, I sketch the development of those concepts in the SL that are relevant to the present topic (e.g., causality, objectivity, and the idea). Here, Hegel mov…Read more
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    Über Menschheit und Menschlichkeit
    Philosophische Rundschau 65 (3): 197. 2018.
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    Causality as Concept and Theory in Hegel’s Science of Logic
    Hegel-Jahrbuch 2017 (1): 505-511. 2017.
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    Über den Begriff der Menschheit bei Kant
    In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit. Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, De Gruyter. pp. 1919-1928. 2018.
  • I will first provide a brief outline of Iselin’s main work on the philosophy of history, focusing on these questions: What are the aims of universal history? What function does it have? Subsequently, I will examine the particular concept of humanity that is the subject of Iselin’s history. I argue that the subject of universal history is denoted by a kind of hybrid concept that connects morality qua human nature with humankind understood as the collective of all humans - this being Iselin’s most…Read more
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    For Kant, a body fills out space by means of its causal efficacy. The essential properties of matter are hence dependent on underlying forces and it is one task of the Opus postumum (OP) to reconstruct the system of forces. In order to avoid an infinite regress of causal explanations, this system of forces needs to account for a primitive origin of all mechanical moving forces in something that is constitutive of forces, yet radically different - this is the ether that fills all space that const…Read more
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    Kausalität und Objektivität bei Hegel
    Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 3 711-739. 2020.
    The concept of causality is central to the assessment of numerous related metaphysical and epistemic positions, in Hegel and elsewhere. The present essay tries 1) to understand Hegel’s critique of the merely categorically understood concept of causality; 2) to uncover the theoretical structure that must accompany the categorical concept of causality in order to avoid the problems mentioned above; and 3) to argue that such a theory of causality has a fundamental function for Hegel’s conception of…Read more
  • Maupertuis, Euler, and the Leibnizian Metaphysics behind the Principle of Least Action
    Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment Series 2022. 2022.
    Maupertuis and Euler had an ambivalent and tense relationship to their Leibniz, especially concerning his grounding of physics in metaphysics. Consequently, this paper has two intersecting goals: first, it attempts to flesh out some aspects of the reception of Leibnizian thought in the context of Enlightenment physics, more precisely, in the deduction of the Principle of least action (henceforth PLA). Second, it also highlights a specific approach towards the intersection of physics and metaphys…Read more
  • Au déla de la nature – Les principes de la grâce chez Leibniz
    Lexicon Philosophicum: International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas 8. 2020.
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    Kant’s Anthropology as a Theory of Integration
    Studia Kantiana 18 (3): 107-139. 2020.
    I propose a reading of Kant’s anthropological project as a theory of integration, emphasizing the role of teleological judgments and explanations plays within it. First, I will take a look at a certain type of teleological knowledge that Kant calls prudence and that consists in finding the appropriate means for an end. Second, I will use this to flesh out my interpretation of Kant’s anthropology as a theory of integration, i.e. as a meta-discipline that strives to unite several distinct discipli…Read more
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    Idee Einer Apodiktik (edited book)
    with Friedrich Bouterwek
    Frommann-Holzboog. 1799.
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    It was not so long ago that the dominant picture of Kant’s practical philosophy was formalistic, focusing almost exclusively on his Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of Practical Reason. However, the overall picture of Kant’s wide-ranging philosophy has since been broadened and deepened. We now have a much more complete understanding of the range of Kant’s practical interests and of his contributions to areas as diverse as anthropology, pedagogy, and legal theory. What remains…Read more
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    Descartes im Kontext Neuere Werke von und zu Descartes
    Philosophische Rundschau 64 (4): 331-348. 2017.
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    This book investigates various aspects of freedom as developed in the philosophical systems of Kant and Fichte. Freedom, both Kant and Fichte insist, does not mean that we can chose or think independently from all rules or necessity, but rather that we willingly accept a certain kind of submission under these rules. Therefore, the conditions of our knowledge affect and inform our self-understanding, our willing, and the ways we justify our practical choices. The essays in this volume explore bot…Read more
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    Perspectives on Kant's Opus postumum (edited book)
    Routledge. 2022.
    This book offers new perspectives on the theoretical elements of the Opus postumum, Kant's project of a final work which remained unknown until eighty years after his death. The contributors read the OP as a central work in establishing the relation between Kant's transcendental philosophy, his natural philosophy, practical philosophy, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and his broader epistemology. Interpreting the OP is an important task because it helps reveal how Kant himself tried to corr…Read more
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    Kosmodizee - J. H. Lambert über Ordnung und Vernunft im Kosmos
    In Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Enrico Pasini, Paola Rumore & Gideon Stiening (eds.), Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–1777): Wege Zur Mathematisierung der Aufklärung, De Gruyter. pp. 167-178. 2022.
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    Kausalität und Teleologie bei G.W. Leibniz
    Franz Steiner Verlag. 2016.
    Kausalität und Teleologie sind zentrale Begriffe in der Philosophie von G. W. Leibniz (1646–1716). Leibniz betont immer wieder, dass das Weltgeschehen zugleich kausal und final bestimmt ist. In epistemologischer Hinsicht bedeutet dies, dass jedes Ereignis sowohl aus seiner Ursache als auch aus seinem Zweck heraus erklärt werden kann. Für die Ontologie gilt, dass physische Ereignisse durch Wirkursachen bestimmt sind, die ihnen zugrundeliegenden Substanzen aber nach Perfektion streben und damit au…Read more
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    Ansgar Lyssy,Christian Leduc | : Le principe de moindre action fut découvert dans le domaine de l’optique et dans celui de la mathématisation du corps en mouvement à l’intérieur d’une structure de forces. Aussi bien Euler que Maupertuis prennent appui sur une compréhension métaphysique de la nature pour justifier l’extension de ce principe à un principe général de physique. Dans le présent article, je soutiens que les deux croient que la nature elle-même ne saurait employer de moyens inutiles po…Read more
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    Volume 28, Issue 4, July 2020, Page 845-847.