•  11
    Nietzsche's Nihilistic Triad
    Kritike 18 (1): 136-156. 2024.
  • Reflection
    Kritike 18 (1). 2024.
  •  1
    Kritike 17 (2): 114-119. 2023.
  •  5
    Catholicism in the Philippines Between Sákop and Kagandáhang-loób: A Critical Phenomenology of Religion
    In Soraj Hongladarom, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & Frank J. Hoffman (eds.), Philosophies of Appropriated Religions: Perspectives from Southeast Asia, Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 151-166. 2023.
    This paper presents an approach to Filipino Christianity (particularly Roman Catholicism) using the concepts of sákop (reduction) and kagándahang-loób (hospitability). It attempts a critical phenomenology of the Filipino experiences of reduction and hospitality. These two experiences imply a paradox. Since being baptized by the Spanish colonial conquest in 1521, its identity has been in flux. Historically, the Filipino Christian experience was brought about by the reducción system. However, this…Read more
  •  3
    Kritike 17 (1). 2023.
  •  192
    I present an affirmation of nothingness in the humor of Zhuang Zi 莊子. This essay begins with two images that present a playful transgression of perspectives: the butterfly dream and the discussion over the Hao river. I dwell on these transgressions to highlight the challenge for each to question one’s perspectives and to shift its grounding from epistemic to aesthetic value. Such a sensitivity suggests a mindfulness of the transformation of things 物化. This reinforces reality’s ephemerality, and…Read more
  •  10
    Foucault, Michel, Confessions of the Flesh
    Kritike 16 (2): 76-81. 2022.
  •  2
    Soraj Hongladarom and Jeremiah Joven Joaquin (Eds.). Love and Friendship Across Cultures: Perspectives from East and West (review)
    Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (2): 375-382. 2022.
  •  2
    The Enlightenment on Stage: A Celebration of Two Critiques
    Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (1): 166-180. 2022.
    I re-question the Enlightenment by bringing together Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and Peter Sloterdijk’s Critique of Cynical Reason. The year 2021 celebrates the 240th and 40th anniversary of the respective Critiques, and it is opportune to read the common thread that binds them—the Enlightenment. This essay has three parts: I first read the Critique of Pure Reason in light of Kant’s Enlightenment essay to underscore reason’s ill-fate as found in the public sphere; I then introduce Sl…Read more
  •  14
    Latour, Bruno, After Lockdown: A Metamorphosis (review)
    Kritike 16 (1): 190-196. 2022.
  •  431
    Beiner, Ronald, Dangerous Minds: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the Return of the Far Right (review)
    Suri: Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines 9 137-144. 2021.
  •  282
    Camila Vergara. Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic (review)
    Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 22 (1): 121-127. 2021.
  •  582
    Humanity as the Will to Power: Affirmation and Danger in the Eternal Return
    InCircolo - Rivista di Filosofia E Culture 1 (10): 118-137. 2020.
    I present an image of humanity as the will to power expressed in context of affirmationand danger in the eternal return. Nietzsche argues the death of God not as a theological argument but as an existential challenge for humanity to be re-experienced. It is read in light of the eternal return: without ontological references or quasi-transcendentals, how is life to be lived? Deleuze contextualizes Nietzsche’s critique of nihilism qua a typology of active and reactive modes of being, however I go …Read more
  •  4708
    Five (5) Assumptions on The Illusion ‘Filipino Philosophy’: A Prelude to a Cultural Critique
    Suri: Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines 9 (1): 76-89. 2021.
    I argue how Filipino philosophy is an illusion we have taken as a belief, and that we need to remember again its illusory – but necessary – status for it to flourish. The normativity of this illusion impelled the discourse: what is philosophy? For new directions, the language of Filipino philosophy must be negative that pathologies in thinking be realized; it is a necessary illusion remembered once more: a nihilistic stance for new values to be created. I raise the question of the non-identical …Read more
  •  912
    Nihilism Today: Enlightened False Consciousness
    Talisik: An Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy 7 (1): 45-48. 2020.
    I present some key ideas for reckoning with nihilism today in light of Nietzsche's conception of nihilism and Sloterdijk's Enlightened False Consciousness.
  •  1078
    Nietzsche, the Anthropocene, and COVID-19
    Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 2 (Special issue): 104-125. 2020.
    I draw affinities between Nietzsche’s criticisms of modernity and the Anthropocene, showing how this COVID-19 pandemic reflects our failure to dream radically but also our potentiality for a greater tomorrow. The Anthropocene represents society’s unprecedented progress at the cost of a rift between nature and civilization guided by utopias. This meant, in greater terms, society's value for economics while sacrificing ecology. Though a viral pathology, this pandemic exposed societal pathologies i…Read more
  •  248
    Afterimages: (Liberation) Ideology in the Culture Industry
    Talisik: An Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy 5 (2): 112-121. 2018.
    I argue how one’s afterimage of art has turned ideological due to technology’s heavy influence in the reproduction of and to individuals’ incessant consumption of artworks. Art has the capacity to be historicity’s expression and its antithesis. Its reach has been enlarged due to technology’s democratization of artworks. It should follow that mass production of artworks foster an emancipatory and critical standpoint, yet this fostered instead the reduction of priceless and fine artworks to commod…Read more
  •  236
    The Alienated Ethical Consideration: A (Post-)Marxist Critique on the Sport Practitioner
    Suri: Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines 7 (1): 34-46. 2018.
    Throughout one’s career, a professional sports practitioner is confronted with various choices to make, ranging from coaching a fair match or offering opportunities for selected individuals to win; showing true sportsmanship or venturing for a better compensation; to even sticking to one’s home team or accepting a better offer. This is faced by all sports practitioners within the same industry: athletes, coaches, managers, and even team owners. In making these choices, individuals recognize esse…Read more