11Sociology as a Theory of ConflictSociology of Power 35 (1): 8-10. 2023.Журнальный номер о конфликте как социальном феномене не может дать исчерпывающего теоретического и эмпирического исследования конфликта. Мы ставили перед собой цель дать обзор значимых новейших теорий конфликта и отрефлексировать некоторые аспекты современной социальной практики. Результаты этой работы мы предлагаем вашему вниманию.
36Nazism, Genocide and the Threat of The Global West. Russian Moral Justification of War in UkraineEtikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 7-27. 2023._A few public actions prepared the way for the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the purpose of which was to define a special military operation as forced, necessary and inevitable. The use of armed force against Ukraine was discussed during those public events. The Russian authorities applied many arguments, and a great deal of attention was paid to the moral justification of war. In this article, I consistently analyze three problems: why did Russian officials use moral language to justify the war,…Read more
Intervening as a moral duty: Michael Walzer versus a multilateralism approachIn Peter Olsthoorn (ed.), Military Ethics and Leadership, Brill. 2017.
9Forgotten Ways of Peacekeeping: A Review of the Book «Peace and War: Historical, Philosophical, and Anthropological Perspectives» (review)RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (2): 355-363. 2021.-
49Moral Justification of Humanitarian Intervention in Modern Just War TheoryRussian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (11): 58-73. 2021.The article deals with the problem of moral justification of humanitarian intervention by modern just war theorists. At the beginning of the article, we discuss the evolution of the dominant paradigms of the moral justification of war and explain why the theory and practice of humanitarian intervention appears only at the present stage of the development of ethics and the law of war. It is noted that theorization of humanitarian intervention began in the last decades of the 20thcentury. This is …Read more
28Kantian Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Modern Ethical and Political Concepts of WarRussian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (1): 85-100. 2020.The article considers the modern meaning of Kant’s doctrine of war. The author examines the context and content of the key provisions of Kant’s concept of perpetual peace. The author also reviews the ideological affinity between Kant and previous authors who proposed to build alliances of states as a means of preventing wars. It is noted that the French revolution and the wars caused by it, the peace treaty between France and Prussia served as the historical background for the conceptualization …Read more
Princeton UniversityUniversity Center for Human Values and Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International AffairsResearcher
Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Just War Theory |
Applied Ethics |
Social and Political Philosophy |
Political Theory |
Political Ethics |