Asger Sørensen (b. 1960) is Associate Professor in Philosophy of Education at Aarhus University, Denmark, holding a mag. art. (1992) and a Ph. D. (1999) in Philosophy from University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Currently, his research interests include academic freedom, alienation, formation, citizenship education, democracy, justice, and peace.
In English, his most recent monograph is Capitalism, Alienation and Critique. Studies in Economy and Dialectics (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2019).
Volumes edited and co-edited include Revisiting the Idea of the University (special issue Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, Brill 2019), Kant and the Establishment of Peace (special issue Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, Brill 2017), Ethics, Democracy, and Markets: Nordic Perspectives on World Problems (NSU Press, 2016), Politics in Education (Lit Verlag, 2012) and Dialectics, Self-consciousness, and Recognition. The Hegelian Legacy (NSU Press, 2009). Work has been published in Philosophy and Social Criticism, Hegel-Studien, Ethics and Education, Journal of Philosophy of International Law, Public Reason, Journal of Moral Philosophy, Foucault Studies, Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, among others. In addition, he has published in Chinese, Italian, French, Spanish and Swedish.
In Danish, he has published six monographs on, respectively, university life, utilitarianism, sociologically informed ethics, philosophy of science, Georges Bataille and university life, having also co-edited volumes on John Rawls and Enrique Dussel, just as he has published numerous articles.
He has been invited to lecture at universities at five continents, e.g. in the U.K., Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, China, Mexico, and Uruguay. He has served as spokesman of the Nordic Summer University and currently serves as president of the Danish Philosophical Society.