•  119
    Bipartite Entanglement Induced by a Common Background (Zero-Point) Radiation Field
    with L. de la Peña and A. M. Cetto
    Foundations of Physics 41 (5): 843-862. 2011.
    This paper deals with an (otherwise classical) two-(non-interacting) particle system immersed in a common stochastic zero-point radiation field. The treatment is an extension of the one-particle case for which it has been shown that the quantum properties of the particle emerge from its interaction with the background field under stationary and ergodic conditions. In the present case we show that non-classical correlations—describable only in terms of entanglement—arise between the (nearby) part…Read more
  •  78
    Auras in mysticism and synaesthesia: A comparison
    with M. A. Rodríguez Artacho, L. C. Delgado-Pastor, M. Hochel, O. Iborra, E. Salazar, and E. G. Milán
    Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1): 258-268. 2012.
    In a variety of synaesthesia, photisms result from affect-laden stimuli as emotional words, or faces of familiar people. For R, who participated in this study, the sight of a familiar person triggers a mental image of "a human silhouette filled with colour". Subjective descriptions of synaesthetic experiences induced by the visual perception of people's figures and faces show similarities with the reports of those who claim to possess the ability to see the aura. It has been proposed that the pu…Read more
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    The present paper reveals (non-relativistic) quantum mechanics as an emergent property of otherwise classical ergodic systems embedded in a stochastic vacuum or zero-point radiation field (zpf). This result provides a theoretical basis for understanding recent numerical experiments in which a statistical analysis of an atomic electron interacting with the zpf furnishes the quantum distribution for the ground state of the H atom. The action of the zpf on matter is essential within the present app…Read more
  •  42
    Overview of carmem: A new dynamic quantitative cardiac model for ECG monitoring and its adaptation to observed signals
    with G. Carrault, F. Mora, and A. Bardou
    Acta Biotheoretica 48 (3-4): 303-322. 2000.
    Different approaches have been proposed in order to achieve knowledge integration for coronary care monitoring applications, usually in the form of expert systems. The clinical impact of these expert systems, which are based only on "shallow" knowledge, has not been remarkable due to the difficulties associated with the construction and maintenance of a complete knowledge base. Model-based systems represent an alternative to these problems because they allow efficient integration of the "deep" k…Read more
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    Evolutionary Multiresolution Filtering to Forecast Nonlinear Time Series
    Journal of Intelligent Systems 14 (2-3): 157-192. 2005.
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    Aproximación a la''Fides et Ratio''desde el relieve filosófico
    Verdad y Vida 56 (223): 437-448. 1998.
  • Aproximación a la ''Fides et Ratio'' desde el relieve filosófico
    Verdad y Vida 56 (223): 437-448. 1998.
  • Virgilio e Gallo nell'ultima egloga del libro bucolico
    Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia: Università degli Studi di Bari 35 169-200. 1993.