• This dissertation argues that Isaiah Berlin and John Rawls can be seen as seminal contributors to two quite distinct revivals of political theory in the latter half of the twentieth century. It suggests that coming to grips with the different underlying character of these revivals and writers is important to understanding political theory and liberalism today. However, while the importance Berlin's of Berlin's work is increasingly recognized, there remain puzzling controversies concerning its ov…Read more
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    Michael Ignatieff,The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror
    Politics and Ethics Review 1 (1): 103-106. 2005.
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    Why Monist Critiques Feed Value Pluralism
    Social Theory and Practice 30 (1): 105-126. 2004.
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    Re-Visiting Berlin: Why Two Liberties are Better than One
    Politics and Ethics Review 1 (2): 138-157. 2005.
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    Learning to Live with Drones: Answering Jeremy Waldron and the Neutralist Critique
    with João Franco Reis
    Journal of Military Ethics 14 (2): 128-145. 2015.
    ABSTRACTAmong the most forceful and provocative criticisms that have been leveled at US drone strikes against alleged terrorists far from conventional battlefields has been Jeremy Waldron's charge that they cannot be justified in terms of a neutral principle that most reasonable people would accept. In essence, Waldron asks ‘whether we are comfortable with [such a norm] in the hands of our enemies’. He thinks most people will say ‘no’ and that this is a reason not to embrace a permissive norm in…Read more
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    Michael Ignatieff, The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror
    Journal of International Political Theory 1 103-106. 2005.
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    Does justice stand alone?
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (1): 57-73. 2015.
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    Re-Visiting Berlin: Why Two Liberties are Better than One
    Journal of International Political Theory 1 138-157. 2005.
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    In the ongoing war on terror both the American and Israeli governments have resorted to a policy of ‘targeting terrorists’. In essence, both governments authorize their military or intelligence services to kill specific ‘terrorists’ who they believe mortally threaten citizens and cannot otherwise be neutralized. President Bush calls this ‘sudden justice’ and the Israeli government ‘targeted killing’ but their critics speak of ‘assassination’, ‘liquidation’ or ‘extra-judicial killing’. Since 11 S…Read more
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    Film as Ethical Argument
    Film and Philosophy 11 121-138. 2007.
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    Lukes’s Three-Dimensional Model of Power Redux (review)
    Social Theory and Practice 33 (3): 489-500. 2007.
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    In the ongoing war on terror both the American and Israeli governments have resorted to a policy of ‘targeting terrorists’. In essence, both governments authorize their military or intelligence services to kill specific ‘terrorists’ who they believe mortally threaten citizens and cannot otherwise be neutralized. President Bush calls this ‘sudden justice’ and the Israeli government ‘targeted killing’ but their critics speak of ‘assassination’, ‘liquidation’ or ‘extra-judicial killing’. Since 11 S…Read more
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    "Frontiers of Diversity critically examines the explanatory and normative power of pluralism in contemporary philosophy, politics, economics and culture. Based on the papers presented at the "First Global Conference on Critical Issues in Pluralism" at Mansfield College, Oxford, it brings together for the first time essays examining pluralism's impact, both positive and negative, in each of these critical domains. These essays exhibit something of the fertility of the concept of pluralism, not on…Read more