42Percepción, descripción y explicación en la obra de Alexander von HumboldtIdeas Y Valores 66 (165): 57-83. 2017.Es recurrente la tendencia a considerar a Alexander von Humboldt como autor ro-mántico-naturalista, dada la combinación del método científico de análisis empírico de la naturaleza con su visión estético-subjetiva que posee ciertos rasgos “románticos”. Un estudio del léxico empleado por Humboldt en las descripciones de la naturaleza revela, sin embargo, el predominio del lenguaje estrictamente científico e intersubjeti-vo sobre el subjetivo. La presencia de rasgos semánticos “románticos” no es, e…Read more
27Darwin’s perception of nature and the question of disenchantment: a semantic analysis across the six editions of On the Origin of SpeciesHistory and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2): 1-28. 2021.This body of work is motivated by an apparent contradiction between, on the one hand, Darwin’s testimony in his autobiographical text about a supposed perceptual colour blindness before the aesthetic magnificence of natural landscapes, and, on the other hand, the last paragraph of On the Origin of Species, where he claims to perceive the forms of nature as beautiful and wonderful. My aim is to delve into the essence of the Darwinian perception of beauty in the context of the Weberian concept of …Read more
26It is not hard to see how two visions of nature are intertwined in Darwin’s Journal of Researches: one vision, the province of romantic authors depicting the sentiments awakened by certain landscapes, the other, the domain of natural scientists describing the world without reference to the aesthetic qualities of the scenery. Nevertheless, analyses of this double perspective in Darwin’s work are relatively rare. Most scholars focus on Darwin, the scientist, and more or less ignore the aesthetic a…Read more
23Darwin Puzzled? A Computer-assisted Analysis of Language in the Origin of SpeciesTopoi 41 (3): 561-571. 2022.The aesthetically optimistic view of life in the last paragraph of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species contrasts with the evidence in his autobiography of a supposed perceptive colour blindness to the magnificence of nature. Accepting the theory of evolution as one of the scientific theories that has contributed to disenchantment, my aim is to delve into the Darwinian perception of natural beauty and solve this contrast of perceptions within the framework of the Weberian concept of “disenchantment…Read more
22Charles Morris Lansley, Charles Darwin's Debt to the Romantics: How Alexander von Humboldt, Goethe and Wordsworth Helped Shape Darwin's View of Nature. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. Pp. 273. ISBN 978-1-78707-138-4. £60.00/$90.95 (review)British Journal for the History of Science 52 (1): 170-171. 2019.
18Debating Darwin, o el combate entre las dos culturas: reflexiones sobre un malestar en la historia de las ideasMetatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 13 (2): 79-91. 2024.Este artículo rastrea los orígenes del choque de ideas que vertebra el debate que Michael Ruse y Robert J. Richards llevan a cabo en Debating Darwin. En esta obra, los autores discuten sobre el contexto sociocultural que alimentó la teoría de la evolución de Charles Darwin para reconocer las similitudes conceptuales que comparte con dicotomías clásicas sobre las formas humanística o científica de percibir e interpretar el mundo. El objetivo de este artículo es, pues, reflexionar, a la luz de las…Read more
11¿Viaje desde el encantamiento hasta el desencantamiento? Un estudio sobre las descripciones de la naturaleza de Darwin desde el Journal hasta el OriginDaimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 83 71-87. 2021.Teniendo en cuenta la cuestión en disputa sobre el encantamiento o el desencantamiento del mundo causado por la ciencia moderna, este artículo examina comparativamente la semántica del léxico en Journal of Researches y The Origin of Species de Charles Darwin utilizando estrategias de minería de textos. El objetivo es mostrar que existe un camino semántico directo, comenzando en Journal y culminando en Origin, que confirma una tendencia hacia un tipo de lenguaje desencantado empleado por Darwin e…Read more
3You Too Can Find “Grandeur in This View of Life”: A Linguistic Remedy for Resisting the Desire to Abandon Darwin’s Origin of SpeciesIn Maria Elice Brzezinski Prestes (ed.), Understanding Evolution in Darwin's “Origin”: The Emerging Context of Evolutionary Thinking, Springer. pp. 183-202. 2023.Given the scientific, socio-cultural, philosophical, and anthropological implications of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, it should be within reach of every motivated reader to discover its theoretical intricacies by reading the original source, On the Origin of Species. That said, many students, researchers, or interested readers in general admit that the dense prose and complex explanations have led them to abandon their reading of it. Therefore, in this chapter, I propose a linguistic re…Read more