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    Guests in the Out-Side: Becoming, Knowing, and Acting in Jane Bennett's Vital Materialism
    Philosophy in the Contemporary World 27 (1): 20-43. 2021.
    Jane Bennett’s vital materialism develops positive ontological commitments to lively matter and resistant vitality, articulated using notions of actant and assemblage, thing-power and the out-side. I show that these ontological commitments reveal a limit for traditional modes of human knowing, favoring an emergent epistemology that attends to the ways actants and assemblages express themselves. I then argue for an account of acting that positions humans as guests of vibrant matter. Compacts of g…Read more
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    Badiou, Alain (1937 -)
    Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2020.
    This entry provides an overview of Badiou's preliminary influences, education, and early career. It discusses the links between his theoretical concerns and political praxis from 1965 to the present, including a discussion of the ontological turn in Being and Event (1988/2005), Logics of Worlds (2006), and the recent L'Immanence des Vérités (2018). The entry includes context for interpreting Badiou's work, continued areas of critical engagement with it, and horizons for continued analysis.
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    Collision: Voices of Water
    Evental Aesthetics 1 (9): 55-67. 2020.
    This Collision discusses the cyanotypes produced by photographer Meghann Riepenhoff, in particular those in the Littoral Drift project; these cyanotypes are direct positive prints produced from the action of sea water washing over photo-sensitive paper placed at shorelines in the United States. I discuss these images and the cyanotype process Riepenhoff uses to produce these. I then discuss philosopher Fred Evans's concept of "voice" and its contemporary extension to nonhuman others. Arguing tha…Read more
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    In this article, I discuss Alain Badiou’s 2008 address titled “The Three Negations.” Though the text was originally presented in a symposium concerning the relationship of law to Badiou’s theory of the event, I discuss the way this brief address offers an introduction to the broad sweep of Badiou’s metaphysics, outlining his accounts of being, appearing, and transformation. To do so, Badiou calls on the resources of three paradigms of negation: from classical Aristotelian logic, from Brouwer’s i…Read more
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    This book approaches work by Gilles Deleuze and Alain Badiou through their shared commitment to multiplicity, a novel approach to addressing one of the oldest philosophical questions: is being one or many? Becky Vartabedian examines major statements of multiplicity by Deleuze and Badiou to assess the structure of multiplicity as ontological ground or foundation, and the mathematical procedures these accounts prescribe for understanding one in relation to multiplicity. Written in a clear, engagin…Read more
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    Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 30 (1): 132-134. 2007.
    This review focuses on James Dreier's edited collection, published by Blackwell in 2006.
  • Allowances, Affordance, and the Collaborative Constitution of Identity
    Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 5 (1): 58-74. 2014.
    This paper develops a notion of allowances, a designation for speech-acts indicative of the collaborative behaviour I engage in with others. Such behaviour marks a facet of my individual identity that I could not create on my own. I ground this notion of allowance in the view of the self as intentional body-consciousness developed by Maurice Merleau-Ponty and John Russon. I explain the relation of this self to others on their phenomenological paradigm, and then explain the functions of speech an…Read more