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    Knowing our ways about in the world: Philosophical perspectives on practical knowledge (edited book)
    with Thomas Netland and Mattias Solli
    Scandinavian University Press. 2023.
    This anthology focuses on “practical” forms and expressions of knowledge, like thinking through artistic media or by crafting things out of materials. The ten chapters follow and review various tracks in conceptions of contemporary knowledge, exploring human knowledge and experience from the perspective of human activities or practices, professional, artistic, domestic, or whatever. A guiding idea is that human knowledge seldom, perhaps never, fits into the traditional dualism between thinking a…Read more
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    The practice of knowing and knowing in practices
    Peter Lang Edition, an imprint of Peter Lang. 2015.
    This book is a philosophical analysis of knowledge in practices, focused on knowing how, tacit knowledge and expert knowledge. Knowing in action is argued to be more basic than propositional or theoretical knowledge. The analytical framework is pragmatist, with references to William James and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
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    "Have I kept inquiry moving?" On the Epistemology of Reflection
    Phenomenology and Practice 2 (1): 4-23. 2008.
    Detractors of Schon's notion of "reflection in action" often point out that there is seldom time for reflection when a person is engaged in work. Such comments indicate an overly narrow conception of what reflection is. In this article it is argued that a practice, which occurs over a span of time, may be reflective without any particular activity called "reflection" being carried out. Though there is a diversity of forms of reflection in practice, it is argued that Schon's notion of "conversati…Read more
  • Putnam i Uppsala
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 2. 1991.
  • Vetenskapsfilosofi, vetnskapsfilosofier och fakta
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 1 (2): 22. 1980.
  • Hur vi oss än i världen vänder
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 5 (4): 13. 1984.
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    Politics for Learning or Learning for Politics?
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 21 (4/5): 361-376. 2002.
    It is argued that political democracyand citizenship should not be taken as primarygoals within university education. Instead theauthor argues for a notion of ``academicdemocracy'' with the overall goal or ethos oflearning together. Moreover it is argued that``learning'' then should be understood accordingto ``practical traditions of knowledge'', whichmeans that truth is not the ultimate goal. Theultimate goal is practices that lead to thegood of men and women