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    If an autonomous rational agent can freely choose whether to get vaccinated under pandemic conditions, should he or she be held responsible for deciding not to? Let the term to be held responsible...
  • Legal indeterminacy refers to the lack of determinate knowledge, of what a legal rule means and of how judges should apply it. Where law is indeterminate, no theory, rule, or principle constrains a judge to interpret or apply a law in a particular way. Consequently a case could have several different answers, yet all of them equally valid. The notion that judges make rather than find law implies to many observers consequences such as unequal or arbitrary treatment of individuals. Drawing on an i…Read more
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    Mildred Cho and Nicole Martinez-Martin (2023) distinguish between two of the ways in which humans can be represented in medical contexts. One is technical: a digital model of aspects of a person’s...
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    Human genetic enhancement, examined from the standpoint of the new field of political bioethics, displaces the age-old question of truth: What is human nature? This book displaces that question with another: What kind of human nature should humans want to create for themselves? To answer that question, this book answers two others: What constraints should limit the applications of rapidly developing biotechnologies? What could possibly form the basis for corresponding public policy in a democrat…Read more
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    Beyond Due Diligence: the Human Rights Corporation
    Human Rights Review 22 (1): 65-89. 2020.
    The modern corporation offers significant potential to contribute to the human rights project, in part because it is free from the challenges posed by national sovereignty. That promise has begun to be realized in businesses practicing corporate due diligence with regard to the human rights of persons involved in or affected by those enterprises. Yet due diligence preserves the self-seeking orientation of the conventional corporation and seeks only to protect itself from committing human rights …Read more
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    Advocacy of an indigenous right to isolation in the Latin American context responds to multiple depredations, above all to plundering by extractivists. Two prominent international instruments declare a human right to indigenous self-isolation and articulate a principle of no contact between indigenous peoples and the non-indigenous majority population: Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact in the Americas and Guidelines on the Protection of Indigenous Peoples. In analyzin…Read more
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    The Indigenous Rights State
    Ratio Juris 33 (1): 98-116. 2020.
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    Books in Review
    Political Theory 26 (2): 237-244. 1998.
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    Theory and Politics
    Télos 1984 (61): 207-214. 1984.
    Despite numerous obituaries to the contrary, Critical Theory, now half a century old, is still very much alive. The historical context in which the Frankfurt Circle worked has of course changed radically, as have forms of philosophy and social science. Hence no one can be surprised to find that the classical Frankfurt texts no longer shed direct light on contemporary society. Yet the various reconstructions of this tradition's potential for new social theory save it from the fate proclaimed for …Read more
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    Human Rights as Social Construction
    Cambridge University Press. 2011.
    Most conceptions of human rights rely on metaphysical or theological assumptions that construe them as possible only as something imposed from outside existing communities. Most people, in other words, presume that human rights come from nature, God, or the United Nations. This book argues that reliance on such putative sources actually undermines human rights. Benjamin Gregg envisions an alternative; he sees human rights as locally developed, freely embraced, and indigenously valid. Human right…Read more
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    To counter possibilities for human rights as cultural imperialism, (1) I develop a notion of human rights as culturally particular and valid only locally. But they are an increasingly generalizable particularism. (2) Because the incommensurability of different cultures does not entail an uncritical tolerance of just about anything, but rather allows for an objectivating stance toward other communities or cultures, locally valid human rights have a critical capacity. (3) Locally valid human right…Read more
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    This important study of the relationship between historical developments and the work of the scholars associated with the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research yields fascinating insights into the actual workings of the Institute and the relationships among its members. The book has already had a major impact in Germany, where it has opened up the subject for argument and analysis by a new generation of scholars.Theory and Politics first explores the effect of political experience on the proce…Read more
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    Human Rights as Social Construction
    with Andrew Koppelman
    Contemporary Political Theory 13 (4): 380-386. 2014.
  • Analyzes the entwinement of rationality and oppression in the Frankfurt School of political theory.
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    Theory and Politics
    Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (61): 207-214. 1984.
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    Modernity in Frankfurt
    Theory and Society 16 (1): 139-151. 1987.
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    Can an Ultimate Foundation of Knowledge Be Non-Metaphysical?
    with Karl-Otto Apel
    Journal of Speculative Philosophy 7 (3). 1993.