•  27
    Why is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
    International Philosophical Quarterly 62 (3): 255-269. 2022.
    The argument rests on earlier work questioning the Russellian separation of levels and arguing that Russellian levels should be taken to include the levels of particle and aggregate, and generality and detail. That earlier work argues from the non-separation of particle and aggregate that predictability is limited and that physics cannot come to an end. This leads to a view of the world as flux. Identifiable objects demanding explanation can only be temporary entities emerging from flux and expl…Read more
  •  1
    Language, Logic and Nausea
    Merope 11 69-78. 1984.
  • A Note on Wittgenstein Biography
    In Anja Weiberg Karoly Kokai Peter Kampits (ed.), Papers of the 21st International Wittgenstein Symposium, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 293-297. 1998.
  •  11
    Conant, Diamond and Tracttus 6.54
    Wittgenstein-Studien (1): 21-38. 2010.
  •  22
    What Has Self-Reference to Do With Self-Consciousness?
    International Philosophical Quarterly 55 (3): 287-298. 2015.
    In the Tractatus Russell’s caveat against linguistic reflexivity becomes a caveat against reflective thought. The paper explores the relation between these. There is a connection, perhaps exemplified by 1789, between reflection on one’s assumptions and change. The same connection may be exemplified by violation of Russell’s system of levels. Even though Russell never explored this area, they will be violated by interactions of the macroscopic and microscopic. These interactions, like the philoso…Read more
  • Chesterton's Influence on Orwell
    Quaderni Del Dipartimento di Lingue E Letterature Straniere Moderne 1. 1987.
  • Autocoscienza e Autoriferimento
    Studi Urbinati 739-769. 1993/4.