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    What can remain unchanged while the Ru tradition (Confucianism) is continually passed down generationally and passed on geographically to non-Chinese Asian countries and beyond? Does the answer to this question hinted by the tradition itself, viz., the ethic of Three Guides and Five Constant Virtues, still work in contemporary society? As intrigued by these fundamental questions on Ruism, scholars have debated on the nature of the ethic and its adaptability to the contemporary world. One side of…Read more
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    Is Confucianism Beneath or Beyond Ethics and Politics?
    Journal of World Philosophies 5 (2): 200-205. 2020.
    This article reviews Shaun O’Dwyer’s latest book, Confucianism’s Prospects: A Reassessment. By critiquing philosophical theories of “Confucian democracy” and their shared sociological assumption that Confucianism still functions as a cultural matrix for East Asian societies, O’Dwyer argues that visions on the future of Confucianism alternative to what the currently fixed institutional infrastructure of liberal democracy entails are flawed. This is mainly because if unconstrained by the infrastru…Read more
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    Hume Elements in James' View of Truth
    Modern Philosophy 2 72-77. 2006.
    With common sense and traditional correspondence theory of truth than the first articulated by James's pragmatism truth has many different characteristics, as well as reflected in these characteristics of the different philosophical connotations. These features and content are how is it? In the historical process of epistemological development without its roots? In this paper, to be adopted by Hume's empiricism contact, especially his causal theory, to trace the epistemological roots of pragmati…Read more
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    Robert C. Neville: A Systematic, Nonconformist, Comparative Philosopher of Religion
    American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 40 (3): 11-30. 2019.
    As his student, colleague, and friend, my learning process with Robert Neville has experienced two stages of perplexity, which I think represent to a large extent other scholars' similar experience of engaging Neville's thought. The two stages can be described as follows. First, given their familiarity with existing divisions of human knowledge of religion within modern research universities, scholars reading Neville's work may be confused by questions concerning its disciplinary nature, or what…Read more
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    This edited volume consists of papers reflecting upon the significance of the contemporary revival of Confucianism for aspects of the global order such as capitalism, Asian modernity, liberal democracy, civil society, and mass media consumption. Read as a whole, the volume neither advocates a particular interpretation of Confucian thought, nor claims the efficacy of Confucianism in resolving human predicaments. Instead, it conceptualizes the Confucian revival as primarily an on-going social phen…Read more