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    Aribiah David Attoe’s Groundwork for a New Kind of African Metaphysics is a bold, courageous, passionate, and controversial book. It is erudite, well-informed, well-written, and at times even poetic. It combines the scholarship of Western and African philosophers in elegantly yet naturally flowing language. The book is bold because it aspires, as the title states, to be a groundwork for a new (African) metaphysics, thus claiming to solve those problems which previous metaphysicians of both Afric…Read more
  • Care, I suspect, is initiated with an appeal. Something appeals to me which becomes a matter of concern. In accordance with this concern, I develop a volition: I want that which promotes the thriving—even to the smallest extent—of that which has appealed to us, regardless of how I may establish what that entails. Eventually I take practical action: I act according to my volition. Immediately after this has taken effect, as the case may be, I release the source of the appeal from my care.The phen…Read more
  • In this contribution, we will analyse the inquiry (ሐተታ, ḥāteta), written by Ethiopian scholar, Zera Yaqob, ዘርአ፡ያዕቆብ, Seed of Jacob (Sumner, 1976: 4, I). His philosophy resists a division into the basic disciplines customary in Western philosophy, his arguments, as we wish to propose with caution, combine metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology in a way that is almost impossible to separate. We will thus not be able to identify purely epistemological principles in his philosophy. However, since…Read more
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    Conclusion: Asking the Right Questions
    In Franziska Krause & Joachim Boldt (eds.), Caring in Healthcare. Reflections on Theory and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 283-291. 2017.
    The dyadic relation between a person in need and a person who provides help is one of the core elements of care. Nonetheless, identifying core elements of care alone cannot supply simple solutions to the challenges that are rooted in the ambivalences and tensions of the notion of care in healthcare. Care practices are extensive, situated, and complex. Questions concerning ambivalences and tensions within care include: Can care practices include coercion? Is care compatible with exclusion? Can it…Read more
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    In this article, an attempt will be made to analyse the Jesuit drama of Georg Bernardt, in terms of its existential philosophy content. It will become apparent that the Jesuits, in accordance here with reformatory theology, assume the existence of a normative facticity. In this normative facticity, the Jesuits then, in most profound conflict with reformatory thought, believe in the possibility to work towards one’s state of grace.
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    The violence which colonialism brought into reality must not only be processed by those who suffered from it, but also by those who committed it. We claim that this process of becoming decolonial has two parts: Africans can engage in continued adseredition – derived from the Latin expression, reditio ad se, to come back to oneself – and the Western world has to desuperiorize its self-understanding and actions. To demonstrate this, this chapter juxtaposes two texts: the 1956 Congolese Manifesto o…Read more
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    The Metaphysics of Friendship. On Normativity as heightened vitality
    Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society 2016 (2016/2017): 12-24. 2019.
    We attempt to determine friendship as a normative practice. At its inception stands the twofold positing of an ought-to-be and an ought-to-do. In the normative practice of friendship, our heightened vitality manifests itself: we understand normativity in general as wanting more than simply to be there. Friendship is a normative positing and thus belongs to the metaphysical sphere of reality. With friendship, by freely taking practical action, we initiate something and connect that which had prev…Read more
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    Handbook of African Philosophy (edited book)
    with Elvis Imafidon and Mpho Tshivhase
    Springer Verlag. 2023.
    This Handbook provides in one volume rich, comprehensive and rigorous coverage of specific subject areas and thematic concerns in the ever-evolving academic discipline of African philosophy. This Handbook is unique in its focus on central and emerging areas within African philosophy such as Afro-communitarian philosophy, ethics, epistemology, social and political philosophy, existentialism, philosophy of religion, gender philosophy, philosophy of education, phenomenology, transhumanism, African …Read more
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    Through the vehicle of Nicolas Sarkozy’s so-called “Dakar Address” we will analyse the West’s persisting lack of insight into the need for a Western decolonization. We will try to identify the dangers that come from this refusal, such as the abidance in colonial patterns, the enduring self-understanding as superior com-pared to Africa, and the persisting unwillingness to accept the colonial guilt. Decolonization has to be understood as a two-fold business. Decolonization is over-coming endured a…Read more
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    There is a fundamental flaw in the Eurocentric epistemological foundation. Counter to the overwhelming ethos of the Enlightenment this epistemological bedrock shockingly does not seem to be an epistemology of the human being, but only of the white human being. I, as Western scholar, have to relativize my epistemological heritage, because it does not take into account the diversity of the human being. I will briefly explore the racist views of Voltaire, Hume and Kant and I will argue that Western…Read more
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    African Ethics
    In Björn Freter, Elvis Imafidon & Mpho Tshivhase (eds.), Handbook of African Philosophy, Springer Verlag. 2023.
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    Veganismus als Anti-Nihilismus
    Zeitschrift Für Kritische Tierstudien 2 91-99. forthcoming.
    Vermutlich ist nahezu jeder Tierethiker schon aufgefordert worden, sich nicht darüber mitzuteilen, wie es in moderner Massentierhaltung zugeht, denn das verdürbe doch die Möglichkeit, Fleisch weiterhin zu genießen. Diese Aufforderung ist reichlich merkwürdig. Denn sie kommt eigentlich zu spät. Der Mensch, der nicht mehr weiter über die Massentierhaltung hören will, hat offenkundig schon genug gehört, um zu wissen, dass eine erneute, eine tiefere Vergegenwärtigung eine ihm liebgewonnene Praxis ve…Read more
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    Care, we suspect, is initiated with an appeal. Something appeals to us which becomes a matter of concern. In accordance with this concern, we develop a volition: we want that which promotes the thriving – even to the smallest extent – of that which has appealed to us, regardless of how we may establish what that entails. Eventually we take practical action: we act according to our volition. Immediately after this has taken effect, as the case may be, we release the source of the appeal from our …Read more
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    Tolerance, Respect and Earnestness: An Examination of Material Difference and Formal Identity
    Ewanlen. A Journal of Philosophical Inquiry 1 10-16. 2017.
    In the so-called modern age, a transition can be observed in Western thought regarding this issue of tolerance. A perceptible shift can be seen in the understanding of tolerance as mere endurance to attempts to conceive of tolerance as a kind of well-grounded acceptance. It is regrettable, however, that this change in thinking has often remained hypothetical rather than heuristic. This certainly has to do with the fact that most of the time only large-scale theological, philosophical, or politic…Read more
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    Substantialistische Übersetzung als humanistische Praxis. Zu Hölderlins Arbeit an Sophokles
    In Beate Sommerfeld, Karolina Kesicka, Malgorzata Korycinska-Wegner & Anna Fimiak-Chwilkowska (eds.), Übersetzungskritisches Handeln. Modelle und Fallstudien, Peter Lang. pp. 181-192. 2016.
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    Goethe’s religiousness is characterised by a plethora of critically and productively adopted elements. Our study will concentrate on the adopted elements from the field of philosophy and from the “New Testament”. Goethe is most of all concerned with the sacred that is present in the origin of all things, and with the continual celebration of this sanctity. Goethe's Religiosität zeichnet sich durch eine Vielzahl von kritischen und produktiven Aneignungen aus. Unsere Studie konzentriert sich auf d…Read more
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    Diese Studie möchte eine existenzphilosophische Vorarbeit zu einer Phänomenologie der Normativität leisten. Durch Auslegungen vor allem griechischer, mittelhochdeutscher und klassischer deutscher Dichtung werden zunächst die Grundbegriffe von Faktizität und Existentialität herausgearbeitet. Auf dieser Grundlage erfolgt sodann die Beschreibung von Anlass und Gestalt normativer Praxis. Diese Beschreibung wird endlich als anthropologische Grundlage philosophischer Ethik vorgeschlagen.
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    Man suffers from a very particular fate, namely that of being besieged by questions which he cannot answer and cannot ignore either. The ability to pose questions like these is a key characteristic of the fundamental existential situation of mankind. Every person must find his or her own particular method of coping with such questions. This makes up a significant part of the human maturing process. People with dementia, having already found their personal solution to cope with the problem of the…Read more
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    Der arme Deutsche. Zur Argumentation der »Patriotischen Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes«,
    360°. Studentisches Journal Für Politik Und Gesellschaft 10 16-22. 2015.
    PEGIDA befürchtet die Abschaffung des deutschen Volkes. Getreu dem Thema unserer Ausgabe wollen wir ›hinter die Kulissen‹ dieser Befürchtung blicken und einen ernsthaften Versuch unternehmen, PEGIDA zu verstehen. Wir werden dabei – zumindest ausgehend von unserer Interpretationsgrundlage – allerdings nicht die um poli-tische deutsche Identität besorgten Bürger finden, sondern einen Bürger, den es schlicht an Bereitschaft fehlt, ihre Werte zu verteidigen. Das Paradoxon, politisch aktiv zu sein, u…Read more