•  22
    New Atlantis, Castalia, the Abbey of Thélème..
    Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (6): 501-518. 2022.
    This article provides a brief description of the history of that generation of intellectuals usually called the generation of the nineties. The author reflects on that generation’s path, analyzing...
  •  20
    Conservative Enlightenment” as “Heroisation of the Present
    Kantian Journal 42 (3): 130-158. 2023.
    This text is a polemic against the 2023 article by Sergey N. Gradirovsky who wrote about the present-day relevance of Immanuel Kant’s concept of enlightenment and challenged the idea of the modern human being as a child who needs an external guardian or guide to control his behaviour. In my polemic with Gradirovksy I point out that in addition to “self-incurred immaturity” Kant writes about the historical “immaturity” of savage or backward peoples. I also argue that for Kant “maturity” carries n…Read more