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    This newly edited volume is a significant addition to the study of modern political thought. The volume includes an introduction co-authored by the two editors and 11 chapters covering early modern...
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    © 2016 American Chemical Society.Hydrostatic pressure applied using diamond anvil cells has been widely explored to modulate physical properties of materials by tuning their lattice degree of freedom. Independently, electrical field is able to tune the electronic degree of freedom of functional materials via, for example, the field-effect transistor configuration. Combining these two orthogonal approaches would allow discovery of new physical properties and phases going beyond the known phase sp…Read more
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    Background: Malaria around the China-Myanmar border is a serious health problem in the countries of South-East Asia. An. minimus is a principle malaria vector with a wide geographic distribution in this area. Malaria is endemic along the boundary between Yunnan province in China and the Kachin State of Myanmar where the local Anopheles community and the malaria transmission vectors have never been clarified. Methods. Adult Anopheles specimens were collected using CDC light traps in four villages…Read more
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    ABSTRACT Between April 1820 and April 1822, stimulated by the restoration of the Cádiz Constitution, Bentham devoted himself to writing a number of works on the constitutional reform and colonial rule of Spain, which have been sources of a scholarly debate over Bentham's views on colony. By examining those works, this essay aims to supplement the scholarly debate by drawing attention to a thesis that Bentham developed in his criticism and evaluation of the Cádiz Constitution: a thesis concerning…Read more
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    Provider Behavior Under Global Budgeting and Policy Responses
    with Chang Chao-Kai, Sudha Xirasagar, James R. Hussey, I.-Jong Wang, Jen-Chieh Chen, and Lian Ie-Bin
    Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52 004695801560182. 2015.
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    A comparison of microvascular responses to visible and near-infrared lasers
    with D. Li, D. Farshidi, G. X. Wang, Y. L. He, K. M. Kelly, W. J. Wu, and Z. X. Ying
    Background and Objective Pulsed dye laser is a commonly used treatment for Port Wine Stain birthmarks. However, deeper components of PWS are often resistant to PDL. Deeper penetrating lasers, including the long pulsed Neodymium:Yttrium Aluminum Garnet laser have been used, but carry greater risk. This study evaluates the distinct blood vessel thermal responses to visible and near infrared lasers using animal and numerical models. Study Design/Materials and Methods Blood vessels in the rodent dor…Read more