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    Science at the Frontiers: Perspectives on the History and Philosophy of Science
    with Adam D. Roth, Anya Plutynski, Steven C. Hatch, Sharyn Clough, Brian L. Keeley, Yuri Yamamoto, Lawrence Souder, Evelyn Brister, Kristen Intemann, Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, and Glen Sanford
    Lexington Books. 2011.
    Compiled by an archaeologist and philosopher of science, Science at the Frontiers: Perspectives on the History and Philosophy of Science supplements current literature in the history and philosophy of science with essays approaching the traditional problems of the field from new perspectives and highlighting disciplines usually overlooked by the canon. William H. Krieger brings together scientists from a number of disciplines to answer these questions and more in a volume appropriate for both st…Read more
  •  27
    Multiple groups have interests that intersect within the new field of deep submergence archaeology. These groups‟ differing priorities present challenges for interdisciplinary collaboration, particularly as there are no established guidelines for best practices in such scenarios. Associating the term 'archaeology' with projects directed at underwater cultural heritage that are are not guided by archaeologists poses a real risk to that heritage. Recognizing that the relevant professional organiza…Read more