University of Reading
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 2012
Columbus, Ohio, United States of America
  •  34
    A defense of QUD reasons contextualism
    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
    In this article, we defend the semantic theory, Question Under Discussion (QUD) Contextualism about Reasons that we develop in our monograph Semantics for Reasons against a series of objections that focus on whether our semantics can deliver predictions for some common examples, how we defend the semantic theory, and how we assess it compared to its competitors.
  •  1206
    Marriage and the Norm of Monogamy
    The Monist 91 (3-4): 506-522. 2008.
    It appears that spouses have less reason to hold each other to a norm of monogamy than to reject the norm. The norm of monogamy involves a restriction of spouses' aeeess to two things of value: sex and erotic love. This restriction initially appears unwarranted but can be justified. There is reason for spouses to aeeept the norm of monogamy if their marriage satisfies three conditions. Otherwise, there is reason to permit non-monogamy. Some spouses have reason to accept the norm of monogamy beca…Read more
  •  24
    Semantics for Reasons
    Oxford University Press. 2019.
    Semantics for Reasons is a book about what we mean when we talk about reasons. It not only brings together the theory of reasons and natural language semantics in original ways but also sketches out a litany of implications for metaethics and the philosophy of normativity. In their account of how the language of reasons works, Bryan R. Weaver and Kevin Scharp propose and defend a view called Question Under Discussion Reasons Contextualism. They use this view to argue for a series of novel positi…Read more