•  21
    Book Review: Postmodernism and China (review)
    Theory, Culture and Society 22 (2): 141-144. 2005.
  •  402
    Ethical issues in chronic pain research
    with R. J. Gatchel and P. N. Fuchs
    In B. L. Gant & M. E. Schatman (eds.), Ethical Issues in Chronic Pain Management, . pp. 295. 2006.
    As the above quote clearly highlights, it is the responsibility of researchers and research supervisors to be certain that their research staff and students assistants are very familiar with all of the ethical principles and current standards relevant to the research they are conducting. Indeed, they must take an active role in being certain that their research staff and students complete appropriate training in these ethical principles and standards, and how they apply them to the research cont…Read more
  • Deciphering animal pain
    with Perry N. Fuchs, Adam Shriver, and Hilary M. Wilson
  • Aesthetics and the Environment: The Appreciation of Nature, Art, and Architecture
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (1): 78-81. 2003.
  • Thomas Heyd and John Clegg, eds., Aesthetics and Rock Art (review)
    Philosophy in Review 26 350-352. 2006.
  • Introduction: The aesthetics of nature
    In Allen Carlson & Arnold Berleant (eds.), The Aesthetics of Natural Environments, Broadview Press. pp. 11--42. 2004.
  •  51
  •  16
    Referees for Ethics, Place and Environment: A Journal of Philosophy & Geography, Volume 8, 2005
    with Peder Anker, Richard Baker, Michael Benedikt, Michael Bonnett, John Bowyers, Edmunds Bunske, Anne Buttimer, Steve Corbridge, and Denis Cosgrove
    Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (3): 394. 2005.
  •  576
    Animal communication and neo-expressivism
    In Robert W. Lurz (ed.), The Philosophy of Animal Minds, Cambridge University Press. pp. 128--144. 2009.
    One of the earliest issues in cognitive ethology concerned the meaning of animal signals. In the 1970s and 1980s this debate was most active with respect to the question of whether animal alarm calls convey information about the emotional states of animals or whether they “refer” directly to predators in the environment (Seyfarth, Cheney, & Marler 1980; see Radick 2007 for a historical account), but other areas, such as vocalizations about food and social contact, were also widely discussed. In …Read more
  •  554
    Primatologists generally agree that monkeys lack higher-order intentional capacities related to theory of mind. Yet the discovery of the so-called “mirror neurons” in monkeys suggests to many neuroscientists that they have the rudiments of intentional understanding. Given a standard philosophical view about intentional understanding, which requires higher-order intentionality, a paradox arises. Different ways of resolving the paradox are assessed, using evidence from neural, cognitive, and behav…Read more
  •  20
    Environmental Aesthetics (Annotated Bibliography) (review)
    Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. 2022.
  •  307
    Practical quantum computing devices and their applications to AI in particular are presently mostly speculative. Nevertheless, questions about whether this future technology, if achieved, presents any special ethical issues are beginning to take shape. As with any novel technology, one can be reasonably confident that the challenges presented by "quantum AI" will be a mixture of something new and something old. Other commentators (Sevilla & Moreno 2019), have emphasized continuity, arguing that …Read more
  •  14
    The roots of environmental aesthetics reach back to the ideas of eighteenth-century thinkers who found nature an ideal source of aesthetic experience. Today, having blossomed into a significant subfield of aesthetics, environmental aesthetics studies and encourages the appreciation of not just natural environments but also human-made and human-modified landscapes. _Nature and Landscape_ is an important introduction to this rapidly growing area of aesthetic understanding and appreciation. Allen C…Read more
  •  67
    Nature, Aesthetics, and Environmentalism: From Beauty to Duty (edited book)
    Columbia University Press. 2008.
    Environmental aesthetics is an emerging field of study that focuses on nature's aesthetic value as well as on its ethical and environmental implications. Drawing on the research of a number of disciplines, this exciting new area speaks to scholars working in a range of fields, including not only philosophy, but also environmental and cultural studies, public policy and planning, social and political theory, landscape design and management, and art and architecture. _Nature, Aesthetics, and Envir…Read more
  •  48
    Quilty-Dunn et al. maintain that language-of-thought hypothesis (LoTH) is the best game in town. We counter that LoTH is merely one source of models – always wrong, sometimes useful. Their reasons for liking LoTH are compatible with the view that LoTH provides a sometimes pragmatically useful level of abstraction over processes and mechanisms that fail to fully live up to LoT requirements.
  •  141
    The development and nature of environmental aesthetics -- Aesthetic appreciation and the natural environment -- The requirements for an adequate aesthetics of nature -- Aesthetic appreciation and the human environment -- Appreciation of the human environment under different conceptions -- Aesthetic appreciation and the agricultural landscape -- What is the correct way to aesthetically appreciate landscapes?
  •  382
    Aesthetics and the Environment presents fresh and fascinating insights into our interpretation of the environment. Traditional aesthetics is often associated with the appreciation of art, but Allen Carlson shows how much of our aesthetic experience does not encompass art but nature--in our response to sunsets, mountains or horizons or more mundane surroundings, like gardens or the view from our window. Carlson argues that knowledge of what it is we are appreciating is essential to having an appr…Read more
  •  89
    The Requirements for An Adequate Aesthetics of Nature
    Environmental Philosophy 4 (1-2): 1-13. 2007.
    This essay presents a methodological framework for assessing the adequacy of philosophical accounts of the aesthetic appreciation of nature. The framework involves five requirements, each of which is labeled after a philosopher who has defended it. They are called Ziff's Anything Viewed Doctrine, Budd's As Nature Constraint, Berleant's Unified Aesthetics Requirement, Hepburn's Serious Beauty Intuition, and Thompson's Objectivity Desideratum. The conclusion of the essay is that most contemporary …Read more
  •  88
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.4 (2006) 77-88 MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]The Aesthetic Appreciation of Environmental Architecture under Different Conceptions of EnvironmentAllen CarlsonIntroductionIn what is in retrospect easily recognized as one of the three or four truly groundbreaking essays in environmental aesthetics, Francis Sparshott distinguishes a number of different ways of conceptua…Read more
  •  41
    Review: Budd and Brady on the Aesthetics of Nature (review)
    Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218). 2005.
    This essay is a critical notice of Malcolm Budd's _The Aesthetics of Nature (Oxford, 2002) and Emily Brady's _Aesthetics of the Natural Environment (Edinburgh, 2003). I argue that, although each of the volumes makes an important contribution to our understanding of the aesthetic experience of nature, the accounts of aesthetic appreciation of nature that are developed by Budd and Brady are each somewhat defective in that neither grants an adequate role to knowledge in such appreciation, and speci…Read more
  •  111
    Environmental Aesthetics, Ethics, and Ecoaesthetics
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (4): 399-410. 2018.
    This essay is an overview of recent research aimed at establishing a link between environmental aesthetics and environmental ethics. I review the work of several prominent environmental philosophers and environmental aestheticians, spelling out some of the difficulties confronting various attempts to find such a link. While I argue that a case can be made for a connection between environmental aesthetics and environmental ethics concerning human‐created and human‐influenced environments, I find …Read more
  •  74
    Critical notice: Aesthetics and environment
    British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (4): 416-427. 2006.
  •  123
    Since aesthetic experience is vital for the protection of nature, I address the relationship between environmental aesthetics and environmentalism. I first review two traditional positions, the picturesque approach and formalism. Some environmentalists fault the modes of aesthetic appreciation associated with these views, charging they are anthropocentric, scenery-obsessed, superficial, subjective, and/or morally vacuous. In light of these apparent failings of traditional aesthetics of nature, I…Read more
  •  148
    Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature and Environmentalism
    Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 69 137-155. 2011.
    This article is a response to yuriko saito's "is there a correct aesthetic appreciation of nature?" (jae 18:4) which challenges the position on the aesthetic appreciation of nature that i develop in a series of recent articles. i here consider saito's arguments, concluding that they neither establish the correctness of a wide range of kinds of aesthetic appreciations of nature nor undercut the grounds for the prominence i grant to scientific considerations in such appreciation