•  393
    Mises' Apriorism - Tautology or Theory of Praxis?
    Journal of Peace, Prosperity and Freedom 1 (1): 65-90. 2012.
    This paper will attempt to reposition Ludwig von Mises’s methodological Apriorism and the Austrian economic method firmly in the Aristotelian realist tradition of Apriorism, rather than the more problematic Apriorism associated with Kantian idealism. The author will argue that the Misean method whilst aesthetically Kantian, is far more nuanced than semantics suggest.
  •  50
    A Defense of Rothbardian Ethics via a Mediation of Hoppe and Rand
    Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 12 (1): 117-150. 2012.
    This paper will provide Murray N. Rothbard's "ethics of liberty" with a greater theoretical cogency and ultimately validateits natural law underpinnings. This can be achieved via a mediation of Hans-Herrmann Hoppe 's praxeological argumentation ethics and Ayn Rand 's Objectivist teleologjcal/Objectivist theory of ethics. Synthesizing these two disparate schools of epistemology provides a metaethic or praxeological/Objectivist epistemology that considerably strengthens and ultimately validates th…Read more