• Introduction to practical knowledge and normativity studies
    with Kåre Fuglseth and Edwin van der Zande
    In Carl Cederberg, Kåre Fuglseth & Edwin Van der Zande (eds.), Exploring practical knowledge: life-world studies of professionals in education and research, Brill. 2023.
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    Exploring practical knowledge: life-world studies of professionals in education and research (edited book)
    with Kåre Fuglseth and Edwin Van der Zande
    Brill. 2023.
    Exploring Practical Knowledge investigates professional practices from a hermeneutic perspective. The book presents, discusses and applies notions such as practical knowledge, practical wisdom, tacit knowledge, and normativity to the professional lifeworld. These contributions focus on both specific practices and more general questions concerning theories and investigations of practice. This volume comes as the result of a cooperation of three research centres: The two Centres for Practical Know…Read more
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    Jan Patočka and the Task for Post-European Philosophers
    Philosophical News 15 89-98. 2017.
    In this paper, I explore Jan Patoĉka’s enigmatic thesis that the the Platonic idealof care for the soul. constitutes the essence of Europe According to Patoĉka’s reading,Plato’s philosophy, in contrast to that of Democritus, is concerned first and foremost with care for the soul, and only secondarily with ontology. Referring to Phaedo andPhilebus, I show how Patoĉka’s thesis fits well with Plato’s own understanding ofhis doctrine of ideas. I then show how this formula can be used to understand b…Read more
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    In this reading a notion of the human is developed through an engagement with the work of French philosopher Emanuel Levinas. The argument is that, with the help of Levinas, it is possible for the idea of the human to be understood anew, for the notion to be ‘resaid’. This resaying of the human is performed in a critical appropriation of the philosophical tradition: Levinas’s work is shown not to be a new variation of the complacent ideology of humanism; the idea of the human is instead interpre…Read more