•  6
    Abduction and analogies in linguistic reconstruction inferences
    with Á Nepomuceno and F. J. Salguero Lamillar
    Logic Journal of the IGPL. forthcoming.
    The aim of this article is to analyse the kind of inference used in the reconstruction of proto-languages. Hypothesis is at the core of this reconstruction process and this, together with the structure of reasoning involved, indicates abductive reasoning. We analyse abductive reasoning, and specify its nuances and particularities. The novelty we introduce is the importance of context as we focus on a form of abduction that goes beyond the context in which the scientific work is being developed b…Read more
  • Vacuna del VPH: elementos conceptuales ginecológicos, éticos y bioéticos
    with Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal and Jairo Echeverry-Raad
    Bioethics 2 (7): 106-116. 2021.
    Based on the most recent metanalysis on the efficacy and safety of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, thevicissitudes in the gynecological, ethical, and bioethical fields are explored. A review of the bibliography on thesubject is made. As one of the justifications for the vaccine is the prevention of endocervical cancer, viable alter-natives for its early detection and treatment are shown and discussed. Some ethical limitations that this vaccinehas shown are analyzed. It is concluded that…Read more
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    La hermenéutica intercultural de Raimon Panikkar
    Franciscanum 57 (164): 19-43. 2015.
    Este artículo reflexiona críticamente sobre la teoría de la comprensión intercultural de Panikkar. En la primera parte se muestra en qué se diferencia de la hermenéutica filosófica de origen heideggeriano, haciendo énfasis en la tesis del pluralismo radical. En la segunda, se exploran las nociones básicas de la hermenéutica diatópica: la noción de los equivalentes homeomórficos y la idea de la comprensión como conversión. En la última parte se examina el concepto del diálogo dialógico y se muest…Read more
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    The intersection of gender and ethnicity in HIV risk, interventions, and prevention: New frontiers for psychology
    with G. E. Wyatt, A. B. Hamilton, D. Valencia-Garcia, L. M. Gant, and C. E. Graham
    This article articulates a contextualized understanding of gender and ethnicity as interacting social determinants of HIV risk and acquisition, with special focus on African Americans and HispanicsLatinos-2 ethnic groups currently at most risk for HIV/AIDS acquisition in the United States. First, sex and gender are defined. Second, a conceptual model of gender, ethnicity, and HIV risk and resilience is presented. Third, a historical backdrop of gender and ethnic disparities is provided, with att…Read more
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    Structure determination of quasicrystals
    with M. de Boissieu, H. Takakura, A. Yamamoto, and A. P. Tsai
    Philosophical Magazine 87 (18-21): 2613-2633. 2007.
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    Content and Process in the Brain. Implications for Clinical and Educational Approaches
    with Brenda Y. Angulo-Ruiz, Elena I. Rodríguez-Martínez, Francisco J. Ruiz-Martínez, Eva María Padilla Muñoz, and María Dolores Lanzarote Fernández
    In Teresa Lopez-Soto, Alvaro Garcia-Lopez & Francisco J. Salguero-Lamillar (eds.), The Theory of Mind Under Scrutiny: Psychopathology, Neuroscience, Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence, Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 527-558. 2023.
    Subjects may be aware in each moment of the content of a given scene and/or internal state. However, the vivid reality of the scene is a by-product of the complex processing of external and internal information in the brain. This point is more evident in the hallucinatory phase of psychosis or during dreaming. There is complex internal processing for the recreation of certain contents which are unconscious for the subject, whilst the content is experienced, the process to arrive at the contents …Read more
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    The present study focuses on a grammatical category called evidentiality. The primary meaning of evidentiality is concerned with information source. That is, it expresses whether something has been seen, heard or inferred. The aim here is to conduct a conceptual study of evidentiality in which use is made of formal tools. The fundamental intuition is that the distinction between ‘evidence’as ‘proof’and ‘evidentiality’as ‘to do with proof’is a crucial one. Evidentiality is a dynamic notion to be …Read more
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    Se explora cr.ticamente el pensamiento del fil.sofo colombiano Jorge Aurelio Díaz acerca de la religi.n. En particular, se examina, por un lado, la cuestión del lugar y el papel de la religi.n en la modernidad, a partir de la pregunta por la racionalidad y el valor cognitivo de la creencia religiosa, y, por otro lado, la diferencia entre misticismoy religión. Se plantear.n y discutir.n algunos aspectos problemáticos de lamanera en que Díaz comprende ambos asuntos.
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    Training on Working Memory and Inhibitory Control in Young Adults
    with Maria J. Maraver and M. Teresa Bajo
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10. 2016.
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    Tracking the Time Course of Bayesian Inference With Event-Related Potentials:A Study Using the Central Cue Posner Paradigm
    with Antonio Arjona, Francesco Donnarumma, Domenico Maisto, Elena I. Rodríguez-Martínez, and Giovanni Pezzulo
    Frontiers in Psychology 10. 2019.
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    Se examina la idea de un vínculo directo entre modernización y pérdida de plausibilidad de la creencia religiosa, se explora la imagen contemporánea de la relación entre religión y racionalidad, y se muestra cómo no puede afirmarse que el avance de la ciencia conduzca a la secularización. Ante la pregunta, si la postsecularización conlleva una mutua exclusión de religión y racionalidad, se examinan las propuestas de J. Habermas y N. Wolterstorff, buscando criterios normativos para el diálogo ent…Read more
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    Theism and Realism: God in the (Humanly Constituted) World
    European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4): 96-122. 2022.
    This paper attempts to delineate a kind of realism, which incorporates some anti-realistic insights regarding the perspective, situated, and historical character of our forms of knowing and being in the world, and which resonates with the basic tenets of Christian theism. The first part of the paper analyzes the challenges anti-realism poses to Christian theism, particularly regarding the role, which the doctrine of creation played in securing the correspondence theory of truth as well as the fu…Read more
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    BackgroundRespect for autonomy is a key concept in contemporary bioethics and end-of-life ethics in particular. Despite this status, an individualistic interpretation of autonomy is being challenged from the perspective of different theoretical traditions. Many authors claim that the principle of respect for autonomy needs to be reconceptualised starting from a relational viewpoint. Along these lines, the notion of relational autonomy is attracting increasing attention in medical ethics. Yet, ot…Read more
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    BackgroundRespect for autonomy is a paramount principle in end-of-life ethics. Nevertheless, empirical studies show that decision-making, exclusively focused on the individual exercise of autonomy fails to align well with patients’ preferences at the end of life. The need for a more contextualized approach that meets real-life complexities experienced in end-of-life practices has been repeatedly advocated. In this regard, the notion of ‘relational autonomy’ may be a suitable alternative approach…Read more
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    Amor, ética y justicia
    Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 74 (280): 349-367. 2018.
    Se trata de examinar las relaciones entre amor, ética y justicia, adoptando cuatro perspectivas complementarias: en primer lugar, se aborda la confrontación con Freud, en su enconada diatriba contra el concepto de «amor al prójimo». En segundo lugar, se plantea la confrontación con Kant, bajo la forma de la disputa entre «amor» e «imperativo». Situados así en el terreno de la ética, se consideran las relaciones entre amor y justicia, sirviéndonos ante todo de los análisis de Ricoeur, para aborda…Read more
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    A Place For Religion A Critical Examination Of Jorge Aurelio Díaz's Philosophy Of Religion
    with Raúl Meléndez
    Ideas Y Valores 67 (167): 241-263. 2018.
    RESUMEN Se explora críticamente el pensamiento del filósofo colombiano Jorge Aurelio Díaz acerca de la religión. En particular, se examina, por un lado, la cuestión del lugar y el papel de la religión en la modernidad, a partir de la pregunta por la racionalidad y el valor cognitivo de la creencia religiosa, y, por otro lado, la diferencia entre misticismo y religión. Se plantearán y discutirán algunos aspectos problemáticos de la manera en que Díaz comprende ambos asuntos. ABSTRACT The paper ca…Read more
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    Crossings as a side effect of dependency lengths
    with Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho
    Complexity 21 (S2): 320-328. 2016.
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    Se examina la idea de un vínculo directo entre modernización y pérdida de plausibilidad de la creencia religiosa, se explora la imagen contemporánea de la relación entre religión y racionalidad, y se muestra cómo no puede afirmarse que el avance de la ciencia conduzca a la secularización. Ante la pregunta, si la postsecularización conlleva una mutua exclusión de religión y racionalidad, se examinan las propuestas de J. Habermas y N. Wolterstorff, buscando criterios normativos para el diálogo ent…Read more
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    La concepción de la religión en la obra de La Mothe Le Vayer
    Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14. 2016.
    RESUMENEl presente artículo examina el análisis efectuado por La Mothe le Vayer acerca del hecho religioso y su problemática en su obra Dialogues faits à l´imitation des anciens. Desde un acusado escepticismo, presenta la religión como una construcción cultural y convencional. La filosofía, en tanto ejercicio de análisis escéptico, ofrecerá una visión de la moral y la religión alejadas por completo de toda sacralizad. Serán, sin embargo, instrumentos muy útiles para el Estado y, si se administra…Read more
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    The relationship between socio-constructionism and Christian theology has not been sufficiently explored. This paper critically analyses some of the main insights of socio-constructionist theories and suggests that a reinterpretation of the idea of social construction from a theistic perspective can avoid the unresolved problems of its radical versions. The paper argues that an order of meaning, whose origin cannot be reduced to human action, has to be presupposed for practices of social constru…Read more
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    Historicidad, realismo y verdad
    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 21 (1): 77-98. 2017.
    This paper argues that the historical character of our knowledge is compatible with both ontological and epistemological realism. The first part critically analyses the thesis according to which the situated nature of our cognitive practices implies that they do not refer to an extra-linguistic reality. The second section explores the claim that realism is a necessary presupposition of our communicative practices and the final part outlines the principles of a pluralist realism.
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    Edipo rey, el rey David y el problema del reconocimiento
    Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 78 (297): 93-108. 2022.
    1) La obra Edipo rey, de Sófocles, es tomada como paradigma del reconocimiento de sí por sí mismo, aunque 2) podemos encontrar en la cultura judía pasajes de estructura en cierto modo similar, tal como se examinan a propósito del rey David. 3) De ahí pasamos a considerar el reconocimiento mutuo y la lucha por el reconocimiento de la mano de Hegel, algunos de cuyos límites se abordan. 4) Finalmente, se apuntan algunos otros importantes sentidos del término reconocimiento.
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    In current Western societies, increasing numbers of people express their desire to choose when to die. Allowing people to choose the moment of their death is an ethical issue that should be embedded in sound clinical and legal frameworks. In the case of persons with dementia, it raises further ethical questions such as: Does the person have the capacity to make the choice? Is the person being coerced? Who should be involved in the decision? Is the person’s suffering untreatable? The use of Advan…Read more
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    Electrophysiological Evidence of a Delay in the Visual Recognition Process in Young Children
    with Catarina I. Barriga-Paulino, Elena I. Rodríguez-Martínez, and Mª Ángeles Rojas-Benjumea
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9. 2015.
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    La problemática tratada en este artículo versa acerca de la crisis religiosa del X V I I, así comosobre la respuesta que la misma provocó entre la reacción católica del momento, entre la quese encontraba Marin Mersenne, aspecto muy poco tratado hasta ahora por parte de la historiografíafilosófica.
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    Relational autonomy: lessons from COVID-19 and twentieth-century philosophy
    with Rafael Amo Usanos
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4): 493-505. 2021.
    COVID-19 has turned many ethical principles and presuppositions upside down. More precisely, the principle of respect for autonomy has been shown to be ill suited to face the ethical challenges posed by the current health crisis. Individual wishes and choices have been subordinated to public interests. Patients have received trial therapies under extraordinary procedures of informed consent. The principle of respect for autonomy, at least in its mainstream interpretation, has been particularly q…Read more
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    Deception scholars have argued that increasing the liar’s cognitive system artificially can produce deception cues. However, if too much load is imposed the truth tellers’ performance can also be impaired. To address this issue, we designed a veracity task that incorporated a secondary task to increase cognitive load gradually. Also, because deception has been associated with activity in the inferior frontal cortex (IFC), we examined the influence of transcranial direct current stimulation of th…Read more