•  273
    In a recent article, Robert Lockie brings about a critical examination of three Frankfurtstyle cases designed by David Widerker and Derk Pereboom. His conclusion is that these cases do not refute either the Principle of Alternative Possibilities or some cognate leeway principle for moral responsibility. Though I take the conclusion to be true, I contend that Lockie's arguments do not succeed in showing it. I concentrate on Pereboom's Tax Evasion 2. After presenting Pereboom's example and analyzi…Read more
  •  341
    A Modest Argument Against Scepticism
    Quaderns de Filosofia 7 (1): 33-43. 2020.
    In this paper we don’t intend to show, against the sceptic, that most of our everyday beliefs about the external world are cases of knowledge. What we do try to show is that it is more rational to hold that most of such beliefs are actually cases of knowledge than to deny them this status, as the external world sceptic does. In some sense, our point of view is the opposite of Hume’s, who held that reason clearly favours scepticism about the independent existence of an external world rather than …Read more
  •  752
    Sinopsis de "El libre albedrío. Un estudio filosófico"
    Quaderns de Filosofia 5 (1): 83-89. 2018.
    Précis of El libre albedrío. Un estudio filosófico En este libro nos hemos planteado varios objetivos. En primer lugar, ofrecer al lector una guía o mapa que le oriente en el complejo territorio del debate sobre el libre albedrío. En segundo lugar, abogar por una determinada concepción del libre albedrío, a saber, el libertarismo, frente a otras posibles, en especial el compatibilismo. En tercer lugar, defender la existencia del libre albedrío frente a diversos desafíos, de tipos también diverso…Read more
  •  423
    Respuestas a los comentaristas
    Quaderns de Filosofia 5 (1): 127-147. 2018.
    Replies to commentators Respuestas a los comentarios críticos de Carlos Patarroyo, Mirja Pérez de Calleja y Pablo Rychter.
  •  188
    My main aim in this paper is to improve and give further support to a defense of the Principle of Alternative Possibilities (PAP) against Frankfurt cases which I put forward in some previous work. In the present paper I concentrate on a recent Frankfurt case, Pereboom's "Tax Evasion". After presenting the essentials of my defense of PAP and applying it to this case, I go on to consider several objections that have been (or might be) raised against it and argue that they don't succeed. I conclude…Read more
  •  277
    Free Will and Open Alternatives
    Disputatio 9 (45): 167-191. 2017.
    In her recent book Causation and Free Will, Carolina Sartorio develops a distinctive version of an actual-sequence account of free will, according to which, when agents choose and act freely, their freedom is exclusively grounded in, and supervenes on, the actual causal history of such choices or actions. Against this proposal, I argue for an alternative- possibilities account, according to which agents’ freedom is partly grounded in their ability to choose or act otherwise. Actual-sequence acco…Read more
  •  259
    Justificación, causalidad y acción intencional
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 13 (2): 349-365. 1998.
    Tanto las teorías causales como las teorías no causales de la acción consideran la relación de justificación entre razones y acción como una relación no causal, de caracter puramente lógico o conceptual. Según las teodas causales, la acción intencional ha de satisfacer, independientemente de la condicion de justificación, una condición adicional de causalidad. En este artículo se sostiene, en cambio, que el concepto de justificación es ya causal, de modo que no es necesario exigir un requisito c…Read more
  •  210
    SECCIÓN MONOGRÁFICA: Knowledge, Memory and Perception. Presentation
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 21 (2): 125-132. 2010.
    This paper is a presentation and critical introduction to the monographic section “Knowledge, Memory and Perception”. Three of the papers included in this section deal with questions concerning the sources and forms of empirical knowledge. Two of them (Olga Fernández, Jordi Fernández) focus on the problem of the intentional content of perception and of episodic memory, respectively. Manuel Liz, in turn, intends to develop a stable version of direct realism about perception. Murali Ramachandran, …Read more
  •  30
    Blasco, J.L. (2004): La nau del coneixement. Edición a cargo de Jesús Alcolea y Xavier Serra (review)
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 19 (3): 357-359. 2010.
    Tras su prematura muerte, se ha escrito mucho sobre la personalidad filosófica y política de Josep Lluís Blasco. Siendo sin duda importantes y admirables estos aspectos, para mí fue sobre todo una persona amiga, buena y amable, en el sentido literal de este término, y cuya pérdida me ha producido un desconsuelo irreparable. Así, la redacción de estas líneas no es para mí un mero ejercicio profesional, sino un deber de gratitud y afecto.
  • Intention, intentionnalité et causalité
    Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 124 (3): 293-304. 1992.
  • Vértigo y equilibrio: los senderos del escepticismo
    Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 36 85-96. 2005.
  •  46
    A Proposal About Intentional Action
    The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 9 55-63. 2000.
    In this paper, I want to defend the proposal that one has to be a realist about the existence and causal efficacy of reasons if one wants to have rationally justified actions. On this basis, I will propose to understand intentional action in terms of justification alone, not in terms of justification plus causation. I shall argue that an action is intentional, under a certain description, if, and only if, it is justified, under that description, by the agent’s reasons. The proposal recommends it…Read more
  •  13
    Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 16 (60/61): 5. 1996.
    Sin resumen
  •  17
    Agency, Freedom, and Moral Responsibility (edited book)
    Palgrave-Macmillan. 2015.
    This collection consists of original contributions that represent the state of the art of philosophical research on agency, free will, and moral responsibility. It should be of interest to both specialists and students with research interests in the philosophy of action and moral psychology.
  •  16
    Las emociones y la naturalización de la intencionalidad
    Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 28 (n/a): 227. 1994.
  •  176
    Boghossian's reduction of compatibilism
    Philosophical Issues 9 243-251. 1998.
    In his paper “What the externalist can know a priori”, Paul Boghossian rejects the compatibility between self-knowledge and content externalism by arguing that compatibilists are committed to the absurd view that a subject can know, by reasoning purely a priori, substantive truths about the world, such as that water exists. In this paper I try to show that Boghossian’s incompatibilist argument does not succeed. According to Boghossian, it is enough, for an externalist to reach the undesired conc…Read more
  •  218
    Sentimientos y teoría de la acción
    Isegoría 25 19-40. 2001.
    En el presente trabajo sostenemos que la concepción de la intencionalidad en la teoría de la acción más ampliamente aceptada en la actualidad hace difícil una comprensión adecuada del papel de las emociones en la génesis e interpretación de la acción. La asimilación de las emociones a actitudes intencionales descuida lo que cabría llamar su contenido emocional y pasa por alto importantes diferencias entre su contenido intencional y el de las actitudes intencionales paradigmáticas, como creencias…Read more
  •  46
    Content, meaning and truth
    International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (2). 2009.
    Anil Gupta’s book Empiricism and Experience (2006) is a rich and complex piece of work, whose main aim is to elucidate the rational contribution of experience to knowledge. A minimally complete acc...
  •  49
    Naturalism and normativity (review)
    Theoria 11 (3): 239-240. 1996.
  •  446
    Libertad, responsabilidad y razones morales
    Isegoría 17 59-71. 1997.
    Sila elección está causada por factores ajenos a la voluntad del agente, la libertad y la responsabilidad moral parecen perder su base. Pero si la elección carece de causas, se convierte en un acto irracional y, con ello, irresponsable. La salida de este dilema consiste en advertir la importancia de las razones morales en la deliberación práctica. De acuerdo con la tesis central del presente trabajo, la sensibilidad hacia las razones morales es una condición necesaria de la libertad y la respons…Read more
  •  58
    Introduction: Responsibility for action and belief
    Philosophical Explorations 12 (2). 2009.
    Research on moral responsibility and the related problem of free will is among the liveliest areas in contemporary analytical philosophy. Traditionally, these problems have been dealt with in conne...
  •  183
    Was Descartes an Individualist? A Critical Discussion of W. Ferraiolo's" Individualism and Descartes"
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 16 (2): 77-85. 1997.
    In his article 'Individualism and Descartes' (Teorema, vol. 16, pp. 71-86), William Ferraiolo puts into question the widely accepted interpretation of Descartes as an individualist about mental content. In this paper, I defend this interpretation of Descartes thought against Ferraiolo's objections. I hold, first, that the interpretation is not historically misguided. Second, I try to show that Descartes’s endorsement of anti-individualism would lead either to depriving skeptical hypotheses of th…Read more
  •  18
    Proper Beliefs and Quasi-Beliefs
    Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 38 (4): 14-26. 2013.
    In this paper, we distinguish two ways in which someone can be said to believe a proposition. In the light of this distinction, we question the widely held equivalence between considering a proposition true and believing that proposition. In some cases, someone can consider a proposition true and not properly believe it. This leads to a distinction between the conventional meaning of the sentence by which a subject expresses a belief and the content of this belief. We also question some principl…Read more
  •  31
    We are strongly inclined to believe in moral responsibility - the idea that certain human agents truly deserve moral praise or blame for some of their actions. However, recent philosophical discussion has put this natural belief under suspicion, and there are important reasons for thinking that moral responsibility is incompatible with both determinism and indeterminism, therefore potentially rendering it an impossibility. Presenting the major arguments for scepticism about moral responsibility,…Read more
  •  38
    La Nau Del coneixement
    Theoria 19 (3): 357-359. 2004.
  •  170
    Creencia, significado y escepticismo
    Ideas Y Valores 53 (125): 23-47. 2004.
    Davidson’s antisceptical considerations, like Putnam’s, are transcendental in character: they start from facts that the sceptic has to accept, and are intended to show that those facts would not be such if the sceptical hypotheses were true. It is doubtful that these considerations are finally successful. However, I do not think that Davidson was really interested in a detailed refutation of scepticism. His interest focused instead on the context which gives rise to it: the Cartesian image of th…Read more